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James Coxon (jcoxon/M6JCX) - UK
Interests: Linux, Gumstix, Python, Perl, Ruby, C, GM862
Ben Firshman (bfirsh) - UK
Louis Handfield (icez) - US
Andrew Wiens (macfreak4) - US
Arjun Naha - UK
Laurence Blaxter (laurenceb) - UK
MiHAB, ULTRAHAB, UKHAS glider project, Aerosol project
- I don't need drugs, I get high off altitude
Robert Darlington (Professor) - US
Steve Randall (RocketBoy/G8KHW/AJ4XE) - UK East Anglia
XABEN - Interests: Radio, Software (PIC, UNIX, C), Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Amateur Rocketry … and High Altitude Balloons
Ed Moore (edmoore/M0TEK) - UK
Gert-Jan C. Prins (Golfgeo) - NL
Next to normal school activities (Information Technologies) looking into options for an (long term) automated science platform based on stored helium and max balloon pressure detection and calculations.
Robert Harrison (rjharrison/M0RJX) - UK
Project Icarus - High Altitude Balloon Photography
Interests: Linux, Photography, Programming (C, PHP, Shell Scripts, HAM Radio)
Marcelo C. (Cablito*) - BR
Mostly brainstorming RC/ High Altitude Balloons projects. Former sailor; circunavigator.
Programming pays my bills and is my #1 hobby.
Josh Atkins (jatkins) - UK
Alexei Karpenko (natrium42) - Canada
Simrun Basuita (sbasuita/ssb) - UK.SouthEast
Daniel Richman (DanielRichman/M0ZDR) - UK
Adam Cudworth (acudworth/cuddykid) - UK
Chris Foote (SpikeUK/G8IPN) - UK
Jon Sowman (jonsowman/M0JSN) - UK
Craig Chapman (MrCraig) - UK
Anthony Stirk (upu/M0UPU) - UK
Andrew Anderson (ScoutingAbout)- UK
A Scout Leader from Nottingham, UK. About to do a launch with my scouts. At present trying to learn everything.
David Akerman (daveake) - UK
Alistair Currah (binary) - UK
Planning for a launch in late Jan/early Feb 2012
David Bowkis (number10/M0MDB) - UK
Will Duckworth - UK