$regfile = "m168def.dat" $crystal = 16000000 $baud = 16000 $hwstack = 32 $swstack = 64 $framesize = 96 OPEN "comc.4:125000,8,N,1" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 OPEN "comc.3:125000,8,N,1" FOR INPUT AS #2 OPEN "comd.2:4800,8,n,1" FOR INPUT AS #3 'rx from pc OPEN "comb.4:19200,8,n,1" FOR OUTPUT AS #4 'Logger Config Adc = SINGLE , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Internal Config Portd.7 = OUTPUT Config Portb.0 = OUTPUT Config Portb.2 = OUTPUT Config Portb.1 = OUTPUT Config Portd.2 = INPUT 'rx from pc Config Portd.6 = OUTPUT Config Portd.3 = INPUT Config Portc.2 = INPUT Config Portd.4 = INPUT Config Portc.1 = OUTPUT Config Portc.0 = INPUT Config Portc.5 = INPUT Config Watchdog = 4096 'Config Portc.4 = Output 'Config Portc.3 = Input Ledone ALIAS Portd.7 Ledtwo ALIAS Portb.0 Radiocts ALIAS Pind.3 'Cts Alias Portd.2 Groundcontrol ALIAS Pind.4 Statusled ALIAS Portd.6 Requestsecond ALIAS Portc.1 Clearsecond ALIAS Pinc.2 Cutdownpinone ALIAS Portb.1 Cutdownpintwo ALIAS Portb.2 Cutdownpinone = 0 Cutdownpintwo = 0 Baud = 4800 DECLARE SUB Checkvoltage() DECLARE SUB Cutdown(BYVAL Channel AS Byte , BYVAL Duration AS Byte) DECLARE SUB Radiocomms() Echo OFF Start Adc DIM Rate AS INTEGER DIM Temperature AS INTEGER , ERROR AS Byte , Heading AS SINGLE , Filteredrate AS SINGLE , Pulselenght AS Word DIM Pulses AS Byte DIM S AS STRING * 100 DIM T AS STRING * 15 DIM Printstring AS STRING * 20 DIM K AS SINGLE DIM Iterations AS Byte , Flashcount AS Byte DIM Windxs(251) AS Eram Byte DIM Windys(251) AS Eram Byte , Placemark AS Eram Byte DIM Target_es AS Eram SINGLE DIM Target_ns AS Eram SINGLE DIM LOCK AS Bit DIM Gpfloatone AS SINGLE , Gpsheading AS SINGLE DIM U AS STRING * 100 DIM B AS STRING * 6 DIM Contents(17) AS STRING * 15 DIM Transfer AS STRING * 11 DIM N AS Byte DIM I AS Byte DIM Statuscode AS Byte DIM Heightupto AS Byte , Rxenable AS Byte , Servoenable AS Byte DIM Gpbyteone AS Byte , Gpbytetwo AS Byte , Telcounter AS Byte , Landcount AS Byte DIM Gpintegerone AS INTEGER DIM Intcount AS INTEGER , Timeelapsed AS INTEGER DIM Store AS INTEGER DIM Test AS INTEGER DIM L AS INTEGER DIM Arrayat AS INTEGER DIM Rudder AS SINGLE DIM Integral AS SINGLE DIM Derivative AS SINGLE DIM Target AS SINGLE DIM Target_e AS SINGLE DIM Target_n AS SINGLE DIM Offset AS SINGLE DIM Windy_total AS SINGLE DIM Windx_total AS SINGLE DIM Wind_speed AS SINGLE DIM Airspeed AS SINGLE DIM X AS SINGLE DIM Y AS SINGLE DIM V AS SINGLE , Altitude AS SINGLE DIM Wind_x AS SINGLE DIM Wind_y AS SINGLE DIM North AS SINGLE DIM East AS SINGLE DIM Store_east AS SINGLE DIM Store_north AS SINGLE DIM V_x AS SINGLE DIM V_y AS SINGLE DIM Minutes AS STRING * 7 DIM Degrees AS STRING * 3 DIM Command AS STRING * 10 Statuscode = 0 LOCK = 0 Iterations = 0 Timeelapsed = 0 Wind_x = 0 Wind_y = 0 Landcount = 0 Telcounter = 0 Portd.3 = 1 Waitms 100 Gpintegerone = Getadc(5) Gpfloatone = Gpintegerone Gpintegerone = Getadc(0) Gpfloatone = Gpfloatone / Gpintegerone IF Gpfloatone < 0.5 AND Gpfloatone > 0.4 THEN PRINT "Button pressed" ELSE PRINT "Watchdog reset" Start Watchdog Target_n = Target_ns Target_e = Target_es SELECT CASE Placemark CASE 1: GOTO Cutdownlbl 'cutdown if error during ascent CASE 2: GOTO Descentloop CASE ELSE: GOTO Cutdownlbl END SELECT END IF Waitms 50 CALL Checkvoltage() 'Call Cutdown(1 , 4) PRINT "wind records:" FOR Gpbyteone = 1 TO 251 Gpbytetwo = Windxs(gpbyteone) PRINT Gpbyteone ; "," ; Gpbytetwo ; "," ; Gpbytetwo = Windys(gpbyteone) PRINT Gpbytetwo NEXT PRINT Version() PRINT "Demo flight: 4km/20 minute" PRINT "Now check gps" DO INPUT S B = Mid(s , 2 , 6) IF B = "$GPGGA" THEN PRINT S 'shows us the GGA string I = Split(s , Contents(1) , ",") K = 0 K = VAL(contents(10)) IF K <> 0 THEN 'if nonzero altitude then we've got something GOTO Gotlock END IF END IF LOOP Gotlock: PRINT "Okay we have GPS" PRINT "check rc ground control, then" PRINT "Enter target north and east" INPUT #3 , Target_n PRINT Target_n INPUT #3 , Target_e PRINT Target_e Gpfloatone = Target_ns IF Target_n <> Gpfloatone THEN Target_ns = Target_n 'store in eeprom Gpfloatone = Target_es IF Target_e <> Gpfloatone THEN Target_es = Target_e Portd.3 = 1 PRINT "Launch!" 'radiocts pullup Start Watchdog Placemark = 1 'write eeprom to say in ascent DO RESET Watchdog DO INPUT U B = Mid(u , 2 , 6) LOOP UNTIL B = "$GPGGA" DO INPUT S B = Mid(s , 2 , 6) LOOP UNTIL B = "$GPRMC" I = Split(s , Contents(1) , ",") 'process rmc K = VAL(contents(9)) V = VAL(contents(8)) K = Deg2rad(k) Wind_x = SIN(k) 'WORK OUT WIND IN Y=NORTH frame - the trig library works in radians Wind_x = Wind_x * V Wind_y = COS(k) Wind_y = Wind_y * V Windx_total = Windx_total + Wind_x 'add it to our total wind Windy_total = Windy_total + Wind_y Incr L 'incrament the denominator for our averaging Incr Timeelapsed I = Split(u , Contents(1) , ",") 'now process gga K = VAL(contents(10)) K = K / 100 Arrayat = INT(k) 'find the altitude in 100m incraments IF Arrayat > Heightupto THEN Incr Heightupto 'do we now fall into another (higher) 100m incrament ? Windx_total = Windx_total / L Gpbyteone = Windx_total + 127 Windxs(heightupto) = Gpbyteone 'we are storing as a signed byte Windy_total = Windy_total / L Gpbyteone = Windy_total + 127 'we find the average and shove it in the eeprom Windys(heightupto) = Gpbyteone L = 0 'this was forgotten in the flight code doh END IF IF Arrayat > 40 THEN PRINT "Altitude cutdown" ; Arrayat GOTO Cutdownlbl '4Km/20 minute cutdown END IF IF Timeelapsed > 1200 THEN PRINT "Time cutdown" GOTO Cutdownlbl END IF Requestsecond = 1 WHILE Clearsecond = 0 Waitus 10 WEND Requestsecond = 0 Waitus 50 Printbin #1 , Statuscode Waitus 150 'tells slave we are going up Inputbin #2 , Rate , Temperature , ERROR Incr Telcounter IF Telcounter > 10 THEN CALL Checkvoltage() ' our callsign is UKHAS IF Radiocts = 1 THEN 'is CTS=1 from the radio modem? CALL Radiocomms() END IF LOOP Cutdownlbl: IF L > 0 THEN 'set a valid wind for cutdown altitude Wind_x = Windx_total / L Wind_y = Windy_total / L END IF CALL Cutdown(1 , 12) Placemark = 2 'write eeprom Descentloop: Statuscode = 1 Requestsecond = 1 WHILE Clearsecond = 0 Waitus 10 'I did commented this out as we should give the slave a message 1 second before the first valid gps WEND 'but that was a stupid idea as in the slave code, when if first enters the decent loop Requestsecond = 0 'it waits for a new gps before doing anything other than running off the gyro Waitus 50 ' the first update after this then goes into the gps lag compensation stage, but NOT YET !!!! Printbin #1 , Statuscode 'we are going down so let the slave know DO RESET Watchdog 'insert DO INPUT U B = Mid(u , 2 , 6) LOOP UNTIL B = "$GPGGA" DO INPUT S B = Mid(s , 2 , 6) LOOP UNTIL B = "$GPRMC" I = Split(s , Contents(1) , ",") 'process rmc Degrees = Left(contents(4) , 2) Minutes = Right(contents(4) , 7) North = 0 North = VAL(minutes) North = North / 60 K = 0 K = VAL(degrees) North = K + North Degrees = Left(contents(6) , 3) Minutes = Right(contents(6) , 7) East = 0 East = VAL(minutes) East = East / 60 K = 0 K = VAL(degrees) East = K + East IF Contents(7) = "W" THEN East = -east END IF East = Target_e - East K = Deg2rad(north) K = COS(k) East = East * K 'distance to target in equatorial degree units North = Target_n - North K = East / North Target = ATN(k) Target = Rad2deg(target) IF North < 0 THEN 'direction to target Target = Target - 180 END IF IF Target < -180 THEN Target = Target + 360 'gets it in +-180 degree range END IF K = 0 K = VAL(contents(9)) V = 0 V = VAL(contents(8)) IF V < 0.5 THEN 'off if we crashed IF V = 0 THEN V = 0.01 END IF Statusled = 0 ELSE 'indicator LED 'Incr Timeelapsed Toggle Statusled END IF K = Deg2rad(k) X = SIN(k) X = X * V Y = COS(k) Y = Y * V X = X - Wind_x 'wind compensation in Y=NORTH frame Y = Y - Wind_y Airspeed = X * X K = Y * Y Airspeed = Airspeed + K Airspeed = SQR(airspeed) IF Y = 0 THEN X = 0 ELSE X = X / Y 'stops us getting infinity END IF K = ATN(x) K = Rad2deg(k) IF Y < 0 THEN K = K - 180 END IF 'all to keep us in +-180 degree range IF K < -180 THEN K = K + 360 'K is now our air vector heading END IF Gpsheading = K K = K - Target 'k is now our heading offset (from now on is just for IF K < -180 THEN 'the pretty leds) K = K + 360 END IF IF K > 180 THEN K = K - 360 END IF IF K > 0 THEN Ledone = 0 'left/right indictor LEDs Ledtwo = 1 ELSE Ledone = 1 Ledtwo = 0 END IF 'end insert I = Split(u , Contents(1) , ",") 'now we do the gga K = VAL(contents(10)) Altitude = K IF V < 0.5 AND Altitude < 250 THEN 'we have landed ? Incr Landcount ELSE Landcount = 0 END IF IF Landcount > 4 THEN Landcount = 5 'ie we had 5 stationary gps updates Incr Flashcount 'flashes leds IF Flashcount > 9 THEN Cutdownpintwo = 1 Flashcount = 0 ELSE Cutdownpintwo = 0 'turn off landing lights END IF Servoenable = 0 'turn servo off on landing ELSE IF Altitude < 300 THEN 'so we are moving but low Cutdownpintwo = 1 'turn on landing lights Rxenable = 1 'enable ground control near the ground ELSE Cutdownpintwo = 0 Rxenable = 0 END IF Flashcount = 0 Servoenable = 1 'always enable servo END IF Requestsecond = 1 WHILE Clearsecond = 0 Waitus 10 WEND Requestsecond = 0 Waitus 50 'make sure slave is ready Printbin #1 , Statuscode ; Gpsheading ; Target ; Servoenable ; Rxenable Waitus 200 Inputbin #2 , Rate , Temperature , ERROR , Heading , Filteredrate , Pulselenght , Pulses K = K / 100 Arrayat = INT(k) Incr Arrayat 'as minimum altitude incrament=0 but array starts at 1 Gpbyteone = Windxs(arrayat) 'gives us the correct wind for our altitude IF Gpbyteone <> 255 THEN Wind_x = Gpbyteone - 127 'handles an unrecorded eeprom byte Gpbyteone = Windys(arrayat) IF Gpbyteone <> 255 THEN Wind_y = Gpbyteone - 127 'handles unrecorded Incr Telcounter IF Telcounter > 10 THEN CALL Checkvoltage() IF Radiocts = 1 THEN 'is CTS=1 from the radio modem? CALL Radiocomms() END IF LOOP SUB Checkvoltage() S = "UKHASD," Gpintegerone = Getadc(5) Gpfloatone = Gpintegerone Gpfloatone = Gpfloatone * 9.503 Gpfloatone = Gpfloatone / 1000 Printstring = Str(gpfloatone ) 'servo S = S + Printstring S = S + "," Gpintegerone = Getadc(0) Gpfloatone = Gpintegerone Gpfloatone = Gpfloatone * 4.250 Gpfloatone = Gpfloatone / 1000 Printstring = Str(gpfloatone ) S = S + Printstring S = S + "," Printstring = Str(pulselenght) S = S + Printstring S = S + "," Printstring = Str(pulses) S = S + Printstring PRINT S PRINT #4 , S Telcounter = 0 END SUB SUB Cutdown(BYVAL Channel AS Byte , BYVAL Duration AS Byte) Gpbyteone = 0 WHILE Radiocts = 0 AND Gpbyteone < 30 'wait for radio with timeout Waitms 500 RESET Watchdog Incr Gpbyteone WEND PRINT "UKHASC,Cutdown channel=" ; Channel ; " Time=" ; Duration IF Channel = 1 THEN Cutdownpinone = 1 IF Channel = 2 THEN Cutdownpintwo = 1 FOR Gpbyteone = 0 TO Duration WAIT 1 RESET Watchdog NEXT Cutdownpinone = 0 Cutdownpintwo = 0 END SUB SUB Radiocomms() IF Statuscode = 0 THEN S = "UKHAS>" ELSE S = "UKHAS<" END IF S = S + Contents(3) S = S + Contents(4) S = S + Contents(5) S = S + Contents(6) S = S + Contents(10) 'nmea data Printstring = Fusing(gpsheading , "#.#") Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Fusing(target , "#.#") Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Str(rate) Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Str(temperature) Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Str(ERROR) Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Fusing(heading , "#.#") Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Printstring = Fusing(filteredrate , "#.#") Printstring = "," + Printstring S = S + Printstring Gpbyteone = Checksum(s) S = S + "*" Printstring = Hex(gpbyteone) S = S + Printstring PRINT S PRINT #4 , S END SUB
projects/ukhas_glider_project/master.txt · Last modified: 2008/07/19 23:33 by