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Dl Fldigi is an adapted version of the excellent free FLdigi soundcard decoding software. It takes the audio from your radio, decodes the balloon's signal, and then sends the telemetry it's found over the internet to a server running habitat, which plots the payloads position on to the SpaceNear map.

Version specific usage notes are available here, but you also may want to read tracking_guide.

Please use version 3 from now on

Version 3.0

  • If you start dl-fldigi in “Slim HAB UI” mode, then it will, by default, be “online”. If not, then you need to bring it online via the option in its configuration tab, or the DL Client menu. While “offline”, the application will neither upload sentences nor download data (we did not want the application to “phone home” every time it is started!).
  • When “online” is enabled, it downloads information about payloads. If you are using the HAB UI, the payload select button will be obvious on the left of the HAB bar. Otherwise, open the DL Client→Payload configure tab. Select the payload, and then click the autoconfigure button. Fldigi will be set up with the correct RTTY options and telemetry string patterns.
  • This version of dl-fldigi has a built in update checking feature (which is only active if “online”, and can be disabled in the settings). It will prompt you if there is a new release.

Version 2.0

  • Binaries:
  • Source:
  • This is the collaborative efforts of many members of UKHAS. It is a rewrite of Version 1.0.
  • If you start dl-fldigi in “Slim HAB UI” mode, then it will, by default, be “online”. If not, then you need to bring it online via the option in its configuration tab, or the DL Client menu. While “offline”, the application will neither upload sentences nor download data (we did not want the application to “phone home” every time it is started!).
  • You can either set up the strings that trigger the uploader manually on the Dl Client configure tab, or you can use the Autoconfigure button. When “online” is enabled, it downloads information about payloads. If you are using the HAB UI, the payload select button will be obvious on the left of the HAB bar. Otherwise, open the DL Client→Payload configure tab. Select the payload, and then click the autoconfigure button. Fldigi will be set up with the correct RTTY options and telemetry string patterns.
  • More questions, or want advice? Go to the #highaltitude IRC channel on

Version 1.0

  • The latest 'stable' release (soon to be deprecated!) is any of the binaries that are more then r80 (there is very little difference between the r8x series): there is no need to run a separate python client, will upload status and also received telemetry to the server.
  • Source can be found on dl-fldigi at Google Code. (The release revision is r85, however, if you anything to do with the source we suggest that you use Version 2.0, below, available on github. This a totally rewritten dl-fldigi and is very stable (we will be releasing it very very soon).
  • Windows XP & Vista, Mac OSX binaries are avialable at dl-fldigi downloads at Google Code.
  • Ubuntu and Debian packages are available in Simrun Basuita's PPA
  • In order to put this version into “semi-offline” mode, where no sentences are uploaded (for testing purposes,
    • Configure > Operator > Misc > Text Capture and deselect the “Enable detection & extraction”.
    • In this mode, dl-fldigi will still post that you are listening to loggers page
    • Don't forget to undo changes when you want to contribute to the distributed listener network again!

Version 0.5

  • This was based on a python script that would collect the dumped output from fldigi and upload extracted telemetry strings. It is largely obsolete.
  • It can be found on the Atlantic Halo Wiki
projects/dl-fldigi.1347278798.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/10 12:06 by danielrichman

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