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Flight Computer

Two AVR system as outlined here has now been completed.

Thermopile Pitch and Roll sensor and amplifier board

A milled enclosure has now been made for smaller Nicera sensors obtained from Chartland electronics

The plan is to fit a SMD amplifier board inside the enclosure. The design is now complete and will probably be sent to shortly

The prototype thermopile sensor unit has been epoxied to a pice of balsa that will for the back of the parachute release mechanism on the glider.

Test system

Sensor Head

 Back of unit

 Front and test kit

Parachute Deployment System

:projects:ukhas_glider_project:piston.jpg:projects:ukhas_glider_project:piston2.jpg :projects:ukhas_glider_project:explode.jpg :projects:ukhas_glider_project:packed.jpg

projects/ukhas_glider_project/components.1194543243.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/07/19 23:32 (external edit)

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