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There are a number of radio modules in use with descriptions :

Module Price Stability Complexity Frequency Modulation Further Information
Radiometrix NTX2 Low Poor Simple 434.075 or 434.650 SSB RTTY Data
Linking to an Arduino
Radiometrix LMT2 High Excellent Simple 433.900 → 434.650 SSB RTTY Data/Linking to an Arduino
Radiometrix TX3H ? Poor ? 869.50Mhz SSB RTTY Data
Radiometrix HX1 Medium Good Moderate APRS 144.800/143.900/144.390 FM APRS Data
HopeRF RFM22B Low Poor Moderate 413.000 → 453.000 SSB RTTY + Others Data

Note “Poor” stability means unless well insulated the frequency will drift noticeably.

guides/radio_modules.1371058918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/12 17:41 by upu

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