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SiRFstarIII™ 20-channel GPS SMD compact module/receiver with enhanced high altitude power saving modes.
The ISM300F2-C5-V0004 module is programmed with HIGH ALTITUDE BUILD, ceiling 135,000 feet, and works at cold temperatures for balloon applications.
SiRF Binary at 57600 baud on port A NMEA at 4800 baud on port B Maximum altitude of 42000 meters (137795 ft) 18mm X 18mm x 3mm Surface Mount Component.
More information to come. Used on Ava flight computer. Project Ava
External link : ISM300F2-C5-V0004
guides/inventek-ism300.1308753628.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/06/22 14:40 by upu