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Table of Contents
AJAX Tracker
AJAX tracker to track payloads. Locations can be submitted to the tracker via email or via HTTP GET. Google Earth is also supported.
- Run the following SQL command on your database which creates the positions table:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `positions` ( `position_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mission_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `vehicle` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `server_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `gps_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `gps_lat` double NOT NULL default '0', `gps_lon` double NOT NULL default '0', `gps_alt` double NOT NULL default '0', `gps_heading` double NOT NULL default '0', `gps_speed` double NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`position_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
- Copy all files to a folder on your server.
- Edit config.php and track.kml
- Google maps requires an API Key for each domain, sign up for one at and replace the key in index.php
Updates via Email
Send email to of the format:
It's also possible to omit “km/h” and/or use decimal lat/lon:
Note: Altitude is in meters, heading is in degrees, speed is in km/h, time format is hhmmss.
Updates via HTTP GET
To send an update via HTTP, send a GET request to with following variables (or any other variables supported by the tracker):
vehicle=halo time=233720 lat=5142.8844N lon=00007.1758W alt=123.9 heading=40 speed=20.5 pass=yourpass
For example, you can do that by simply opening this URL:
The best way is to use curl instead.
Note: Altitude is in meters, heading is in degrees, speed is in km/h, time format is hhmmss. Decimal lat/lon can be used, because the tracker auto-recognizes the format.
Live Pictures
1. Upload picture using curl:
curl -F userfile=@picture.jpg -F password=yourpass -F MAX_FILE_SIZE=1000000
2. Send HTTP GET request as above but with additional picture variable:
For example:
Note that this is used as “meta data” for the picture only and is ignored as a location for the tracking map.