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Mission One: Drop Tests From Tethered Balloon


Payload Construction

  • Restrung Parafoil Kite (bought off ebay) using design and measurements from The Black Rainbow. As can be seen the parafoil lines are brought up to 2 wooden bars which have servo horns glued on allow it to be attached to the payload. Therefore by turning this bars you actually change the parafoil's angle of attack.

  • Built payload
    • Blue foam cut with hot wire cutter into T shape to lower the centre of gravity
    • Servos added to the cross bar, battery pack and radio receiver placed lower down.

  • Adapted R/C Transmitter so that both sticks were in the vertical plane (as each controls one servo). This was achieved by hacking up the controller and gluing the stick in place.
  • Test video can be seen here


  • Drop tests from a tethered balloon. - helium balloon tied normally, through the loop created when you turn the neck back on itself is a carbonfibre rod from which the cutdown device is hung from and also the 2 grounding lines are attached. To attach the payload it was necessary to bring down the balloon by pulling on the ground lines. We changed this set up adding a small ring in the middle of the rod through which we strung a long line which could be used to hoist the cutdown device and payload up speeding up the time between testing.

  • Changed Parafoil to Steve's and instead of adjusting the angle of attack we directly attached most of the lines to the payload and used the servo + bar to control the break lines.
  • Managed to get some degree of control
  • Video of a sucess full drop here


  • Brake lines are the best method of controlling the payload
  • It is actually possible to control the parafoil with 2 servos.
projects/parafoil/one.txt · Last modified: 2008/07/19 23:33 by

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