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Collection of stats from microballoon flights in an attempt to understand the concepts of foil balloons and super-pressure.

Flight Stats

Flight Date Payload mass (g) Balloons Fill (%) Ascent rate (m/s) Burst alt (m) float altitude (m) Float time (s) Descent rate (m/s) Free Lift (g) Notes
PicoAtlas I 17/01/111002×92 + 2×48500.42400n/a00.5 n/a Lost 1×48 resulting in slow descent
PicoAtlas II 30/01/11954×92500.887200n/a01 n/a 1×92 burst
Picochu-1 06/08/111054×921001.84200 n/a 01 n/a
Picochu-2 14/10/11864×9245-50%1.17263 n/a unknownunknown n/a Lost GPS signal at 7263m (payload was still ascending, probably due to the effects of the cold on the lipo battery, temp hit -15c) Carrier Signal was still obtained for at least 3 hours after losing GPS, this indicates a possible float, would estimate a 7.5km - 8km float
PicoAtlas IV 25/08/11 135 4×92 70 0.6 - 6200 600+ n/a n/a out of radio range
PicoAtlas V 05/09/11 120 4×92 60 0.6 1551 - - 1 n/a 1×92 burst
PicoChu-3 28/11/11 106 4×92 60 1.5 869m - - 1 n/a Presume burst, poor weather a factor possibly.
PicoAtlas VI MK1 24/12/11 - 1×92 - 0.5 - ~3000 4200 0.28 n/a Unusual float
PicoAtlas VI MK2 07/01/12 28 1×92 - 0.5 - - - - n/a failed early after launch
Ozzie1 11/03/12 35 1×92 60 1.3 - 5000 27360 - n/a Lost contact in France.
PicoChu-4 30/03/12 77 2×92 50 0.8 4238m 3890m 10mins 1.1 n/a Successfully flight, and recovery, 2 small periods of float around 4km, payload recovered 20miles north west of salisbury
PicoAtlas VI MK3 11/04/12 33.3 1×92 60 1.0 - 4500 8400 - n/a Lost contact over the North Sea however was heard at 1830UTC briefly suggesting 7hrs + of float
PicoChu-5 21/04/12 55 1×92 1×79 90 0.8 - 7.1 5319m - - 1.5 n/a Very unusual flight, payload was sucked into a thunderstorm cell and gained an ascent rate upto 7m/s at one point, failed to achieve float, landed on the MOD target range for tanks on salisbury plain, payload lost.
BONZO1 07/05/12 100 3×92 >90 540m - - n/a Short flight to test tracker HW. Assume overinflation od balloons, resulting in at least one early burst. Payload recovered less than 20km away, with two bursts.
PicoAtlas VI MK4 04/07/12 29 1×92 60 0.8 - 4100 - 5600 61200 - n/a 17 hours float from Kent to Scotland, survived overnight, batteries ran out
OZZIE3 15/07/12 55 1 x 0.21m3 custom 50 1.6 - 7300 600+ - n/a transmitter fail - went out of range
PAVA2 12/08/12 26 1 x 92 - 1.0 7194 - - 1.0 35 Neck lift 35g
BLT31.8 (KT5TK-11) 06/10/12 46 2×92 + 1×80 50/50/60 0.9 5760 n/a 0 0.9 38
CRAAG1 10/10/12 35 1×92 - 1.7 4688 - - 6.7 17 balloon split at neck resulting in the payload descending rapidly with only the balloon neck and valve attached.
Full House (KT5TK-11) 19/10/12 55 5 x 80 ~50 0.9 n/a 5600 … 3600 21600+ 0.01 34.5 still floating (probably in the water of the Gulf of Mexico)
PicoAtlas VII 20/10/12 31 1 x 92 ~65 0.8 n/a 4000 57600+ 0.3 1.5 across North sea, around top of Denmark, lost contact in Sweden ?descent, travelled over 1050km
PicoBuzz2 24/10/12 41 1 x 92 ~60 1.0 3700 2600 26000 0.45 8 Initial float for 2 hours, then dropped 1000m before floating again
BLT31.TWELVE (K5SAF-11) 03/11/12 59 3 x 80 ~50 1.4 1888 n/a 0 unknown 29 Was torn down by a heavy thunder storm short after launch
CRAAG1-Camera 26/11/12 50 1×92 - 1.0 3190 - - 6 11 Payload caught in 15m treetop, not yet recovered.
PicoAtlas VIII 15/12/12 35 1×92 ~65 - 101 - - - - Not enough lift, recovered 2km away next day
NANU 1 15/12/12 33.5 1×92 ? 0.61 3189 No - 1.12 - Lost over North Sea off Norfolk
NANU 2 6/11/13 33.5 1×92 ? 0.83 4423 No - 0.64 - Lost over North Sea off Suffolk
BONZO4 23/02/2013 80 2×92 ? 1.0 2256 No float - - 10g One foil burst and caught in tree nr. Blandford. Suspect overinflation and stress to neck whilst tethered for extended period awaiting GPS lock.
PAVA 02/03/2013 29 1×92 ? 1.2 5606 No float - 11 1g Burst and landed in a field near Sheffield. Recovered a day later still TXing
Picoatlas IX 02/03/2013 37 1×92 ~60 0.7 - 3600 93600 - 1g 33.9hr long flight, 2 float periods, lost contact over Wales
PSB 10/03/2013 79 2×92 ? 1.1 4255 No float - 0.9 - PICO launch near Wycheproof, Australia
BONZO6 14/04/2013 98 2×92 ? 0.5(avg) 2018 No float - 0.61 ~3g Float attempt, burst due to heavy payload. No sigs heard from landing site. Lost.
PicoHorus-2 20/4/2013 23 1×92 50%? 1.1 4930 No float - 0.5-1 29g Float attempt, small rupture at neck found on landing. Payload recovered.
B-2 2/7/2013 13.4 1×92 ~50% 0.8 6535 - - 0.9 1.3g Testing DominoEX transmit mode and new tracker hardware
PicoX 6/7/2013 28.8 1×92 ~50% 0.9 5100 4900 7200 1 - Test day launch
NANU 3 6/7/2013 34.3 1×92 ~75% ? 0.92 3721 No - 1.3 - Day launch test, Recovered Elvedon - Small split due to seal sepration on side of balloon
B-3 6/7/2013 13.4 1×92 ~50% 0.9 - 6750 4500 - 1.5g Successful float. Downlink lost
B-4 7/7/2013 12.5 1×92 ~50% 0.8 - 6800 N 7700 D 56000 - 1.3g Successful float. AAA run out of power after 19 hours
B-5 11/7/2013 14 1×92 ~50% 0.8 - 6100 N 7000 D 57600 - 1.3g Collected temperature and pressure readings inside the balloon envelope
B-6 14/7/2013 21 1×92 56% 0.7 - 5400 N 6800 D 6300 N 247000, 69 hours - 1.3g AA battery. Battered by French weather but recovered
AF5LI-11 25/07/13 26.23×80~40%0.5-6500 N 7150 D828140.746.5gslight He loss during the day
HABTRK 07/08/13 38g1×92~60%?0.9 avg5,000mnana5.5~4.5g-
B-10 24/8/2013 10.7 1×92 47% 0.8 8300 7 hours 1.0 1.8g Solar power. Descended, rested on the ground, refloated again but brought down by rain. Recovered with original free lift. Descent reason unknown.
B-11 1/9/2013 10.7 1×92 50% 1.0 8700 N 9100 D 187 hours - 3.0g Solar power. Yo-yoing on ascent
B-12 2/9/2013 8.5 1×92 50% 1.0 9100 N 9400 D 164 hours - 3.5g Battery failure, solar only

Graphs (8/7/13)

projects/microballoons/data.1379081811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/13 14:16 by leobodnar

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