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Learning to Fly

Sunday, October 7th 2012

And… crash.
It's all a learning experience. I was doing pretty well, until I wasn't.

I've got a few replacement parts on order.

My big problem was that I was in an area I wasn't comfortable getting height in.
Next time I will go to Colony Farm in Coquitlam. It's a large open space that was recommended to me by the RC Shop owner.

Thursday, April 25th 2013

I've been logging more flight progress in the general blog. Bad me.
Learning to fly is going well. I've had a few crashes and a few re-builds.
Nothing horrible.

I hope to fly for as long as I can tomorrow. It should be a good day for it.

I should also say that I'm forgoing Colony Farm, and I've joined MAAC and the local RC club.
I now have access to the local flying field up Pipeline road. There's a lot of good guys up there who are pretty supportive.

Friday, April 26th 2013

After a few flights of successfully going up and landing I think that I can report that I can now fly an RC plane. Many thanks go out to Jeff at the field for his help in setting up the glider so that it is more controllable. this was definitely necessary as the stock configuration made it so that it either flew towards people or into the trees during the takeoff process. That might have been why he took pity on me and lent assistance.

Regardless of his motives I still have to thank Jeff for all his help.

projects/canadawest/flying.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/27 23:16 by canadawest

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