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Project Ava

High Altitude Balloon Project Based in West Yorkshire run by Anthony Stirk M0UPU.


Project AVA covers a variety of boards and launches I've done.

Date Mission Balloon Payload Altitude PCB
01/10/11 Ava Hwoyee 1600 1600g UnKnown > 34km Ava
31/03/12 Ava2 Hwoyee 1600 1500g 38257 Ava2
14/03/12 pAva Hwoyee 1600 65g 43337 picoAva
14/03/12 uAva Hwoyee 1200 1000g 39997 µAvaNut


My first launch was on a very sunny day in October. Due to relative inexperience we didn't put enough gas in the balloon and it ended up floating out to sea. Additionally the GPS failed due to interference from the small video camera. Recovery was initiated by boat and despite the failure of all the electronics due to salt water the pictures were spectacular.

Full write up here : , here and here


Ava2 was a total resign of the PCB and was launched along with Dave Akermans Cloud payload. The mission was to test the new design of PCB and to fly a heated U/V filtered camera. The camera was a total failure with bad steaming up however the new PCB performed perfectly and was tracked from launch to landing. Recovery from a tree was interesting. Full write up here :


pAva was another prototype board this time using the RFM22B and the chip antenna to create an ultra light (5g) PCB tracker. As there was a possibility of float we fit 2 AA batteries which would have powered it for 36 hours+. However pAVA climbed to over 43km before the balloon failed. The decent took a few hours as the balloon split and acted like a huge parachute. In the end pAVA took the 4th highest altitude in the world for an amateur balloon. pAVA was kindly recovered by Dave Akerman from a field full of wet triffids. See


Testing the µAvaNut PCB and flying a GoPro camera this was another sucessful flight. Unfortunately the Gopro footage wasn't perfect as the lense again steamed up. Won't be flying the case next time. Write up in the same article as listed above.

AVA is always very pink.

Hab Supplies

I run HAB Supplies an online shop that caters for the electronics needs of hobbyists and HABbers with high altitude GPS chips / modules and breakout boards for ublox chips.

About me

When I'm not launching pink boxes I am the technical director of an IT Consultancy in West Yorkshire.

Full blog here :

projects/ava.1344524005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/08/09 14:53 by upu

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