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ALIEN - ALtitude Imaging Entering Near-space

This is a project run by GCSE students from Reading School, in Reading, UK. The objective of our first flight (ALIEN-1) is to reach an altitude of approximately 30km (~100,000ft) and take photographs of the Earth/space horizon. We will also include two environmental temperature sensors: one external, one internal. Communication will be by one-way radio downlink, GPS telemetry only.


For day to day happenings, visit our project blog.

  • Alexander Breton
  • Simrun Basuita
  • Daniel Richman



We plan on launching the balloon sometime in May. Launch site will most probably be Cambridge University (with help from the spaceflight club there). However, all decisions are obviously dependent on the weather.

projects/alien.1239021083.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/06 12:31 by sbasuita

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