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UKHAS 2011 Conference

The first UKHAS Conference was held at The Hub, Islington on Saturday the 15th of October 2011.
Costs were £20 per attendee to cover the hire of the location, projector hire, tea & coffee and alot of pizza. Money left over was donated to BATC.TV
The Conference was live streamed.

UKHAS Conference Itinerary

Presenter(s) Topic Video Slides Comments
James Coxon Pico HABing Video / Alternative Google Docs Presentation
Mark Jessop MicroNUT Video Some stalled audio
Adam Greig & Daniel Richman Habitat Introduction, overview and direction of the Habitat tracker Video / Alternative habitat talk Choppy audio at beginning settles down
Ed Moore ExoMars Parachute Testing in the Stratosphere Video / Alternative Runway Deployment Deployment
Oliver de Payer HAB for Bioprospecting Video / Alternative Presentation
Dan Bowen Super Pressure Balloons Video Presentation Slides PDF Bibliography (Citations)
Rob Harrison Outreach Project Video / Alternative
Bill Brown Multimode Radio and HAB Video PresentationVideos of Bills flight
Adam Greig & Jon Sowman CUSF & New Radio Technologies Video CUSF talk slides / New Radio talk slides Github ADF7012 PCB
Ed Cunningham Android Tracker Video Android slides Squirrel 2.0 report

NigeyS and fsphil travelling to the conference

UKHAS Conference Attendees

  1. James Coxon
  2. William Duckworth
  3. Adam Cudworth
  4. Anthony Stirk
  5. Steve Randall
  6. Oliver de Peyer
  7. Edward Moore
  8. Martin Sweeney
  9. Jon Sowman
  10. Mike McRoberts
  11. Adam Greig
  12. Howard Smith
  13. Rob Harrison
  14. Gregory Tomlin
  15. Daniel Richman
  16. Phil Heron
  17. Jonathan Pelham
  18. Neil Baker
  19. Nigel Smart
  20. Jon Levell
  21. Gavin Beardall
  22. Craig Chapman
  23. Simrun Basuita
  24. Steve Hugill
  25. Nick Leaton
  26. Peter Leaton
  27. Mark Bishop
  28. Richard Painter
  29. Jim Sadler
  30. Edward Cunningham
  31. Paul Nathan
  32. Richard Frewin
  33. Paul Sinclair
  34. Ben Oxley
  35. Matt Brejza
  36. Spencer Kelly
  37. Dale Potts
  38. Roger Duthie
  39. Rodney Akkerman
  40. David McNicol
  41. Graeme Taylor
  42. Leon van der Walt
  43. Ben Firshman

Winners of the NTX2 Raffle

  1. Roger Duthie
  2. Jon Sowman
  3. Rodney Akkerman
  4. Adam Cudworth
  5. Richard Painter
  6. Dale Potts
  7. Edward Moore
  8. Adam Greig
  9. Steve Randall
  10. David McNicol
  11. Nick Leaton
  12. William Duckworth

The UKHAS Conference was kindly sponsored by Radiometrix and streamed by BATC.TV A massive thank you to all the speakers and for everyone who turned up and listened in.

general/ukhasconference.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/20 19:50 by dan-k2vol

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