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September 2011

Space Camera Live 1

11/09/11 1000 UTC
Main Payload with live image feed (SSDV) Backup Payload with GPS & logger Highly succesful launch with 1200baud RTTY 35700m altitude, 1600g, He. Website, video, images, tutorial, etc

August 2011

CHAOS Astrium: D.U.S.T.

13/08/11 1030 UTC
Payload recovered.
Launch from EARS.
Particulate collection device, temperature, pressure & humidity sensors, camera.
Particulates collected between 9-11km (Upper Troposphere). Later EDX analysis revealed traces of Silica.
Successful temperature & pressure data comparison to ISA model.
Camera successful.
20348m altitude, 350g, He.
Nexus Report
IOP News Article
CHAOS Astrium Website

July 2011


30/07/11 1230 UTC
Both payloads recovered
Launch from EARS
Cat (Helium) xxxxx m/xxxxx ft.
Budgie (Hydrogen) xxxxx m/xxxxx ft.(Watch the program to find out!)
Launch for James May's Man Lab program. Very high ascent rates. Payloads landed about 2 miles apart in corn fields.
Program due for transmission on BBC sometime Sept/Oct.


13/07/11 0930 UTC
Payload Recovered.
Launch from Boston Spa School
34469m/113087 ft.
Interesting launch all was well until the balloon failed to burst as predicted. Balloon then spent the next 4 hours coming down very slowly, a leak suspected. Landed just north of Bolton.


10/07/2011 1030UTC.
Payload Recovered.
Launch location Brightwalton, Berkshire. Using Jupiter GPS with an alleged max altitude limit of 60000feet however payload successfully achieved 30114m/98799ft.
Some telemetry errors resulted in a fairly chaotic tracker map, issue seems to be coding and wasn't related to the prime meridian.
Camera failed but video ok.



3/7/2011 1330UTC
Payload recovered.
Achieved 36013m/118153 ft (2nd highest UK launch).
Balloon didn't initially burst and floated at 36km cross country for 2 hours before finally bursting just outside Shrewsbury.
Despite a fairly rapid decent the payload was recovered.
No camera on payload.
Tremendous turn out of receivers.



2/7/2011 1300UTC
Payload recovered.
Achieved 35824m/117533 ft (3rd highest UK launch).
Camera failed.

general/most_recent_launches.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/20 07:16 by shnarg

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