#include "i2cmem.h" #ifdef EEPROM //----------General I2C functions------------------------------------------------------------------------- volatile u08 I2Cerr; void init_i2c() { TWBR=(u08)(((float)F_CPU/(2.0*(float)SCL))-8.0);//sets the correct clock rate defined as SCL } //we dont need to enable the hardware - its done in write void i2cstart() { u16 timeout=1; TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN); //send start while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)) && timeout) timeout++; //wait for a start to be transmitted if(!timeout) I2Cerr|=16; //timeout out waiting for start error TWCR = (1<<TWEN ); //clear the start condition if (((TWSR & 0xF8) != TW_START)&&((TWSR & 0xF8) != TW_REP_START)) I2Cerr|=1; //error } void i2cstop() { u16 timeout=1; TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO); while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWSTO)) && timeout) //wait for stop to be sent timeout++; if(!timeout) I2Cerr|=64; //timeout waiting for stop error } void i2cwrite(u08 c) { u16 timeout=1; TWDR = c; //load the data TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN); while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)) && timeout) //wait for it to be sent timeout++; if(!timeout) I2Cerr|=32; //timeout out waiting for write complete error if ( ((TWSR&0xF8)!=TW_MT_SLA_ACK)&&((TWSR&0xF8)!=TW_MR_SLA_ACK)&&((TWSR&0xF8)!=TW_MT_DATA_ACK) ) I2Cerr|=2; //error } u08 i2cread(u08 ak) { u16 timeout=1; TWCR=ak; while ((!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT))) && timeout) timeout++; //wait for it to be recieved if(!timeout) I2Cerr|=8; //timeout out waiting for data response error if(((TWSR & 0xF8) !=TW_MR_DATA_ACK) && ((TWSR & 0xF8) !=TW_MR_DATA_NACK)) I2Cerr|=4; return TWDR; } //----------EEPROM specific stuff------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Designed for 12 byte records atm void set_address(u32 * address) //Sets an address from a pointer - can select the correct physical device but reqires idle bus { i2cstart(); i2cwrite(SLA_W|(((*address)>>15)&0x02)); //the block i2cwrite((u08)((*address)>>8)); //address write MSB i2cwrite((u08)(*address)); //address write LSB } void write_data(u08 * c, u08 datasize, u32 * address)//The address will be incremented as the data is written { u08 n; //up to 256 bytes can be written at once for(n=0;n<datasize;n++,(*address)++) { if(!((u08)*address)) //check the address for overflow for the 8 LSB (Atmel) { i2cstop(); //triggers a page write _delay_loop_2( (u16) ( (float)F_CPU*0.006/4.0 ) );//delay 6 ms for page write set_address(address); //set the new address } i2cwrite(c[n]); //write the data } } void read_data(u08 * destination, u08 datasize, u32 * address)//Reads a block of data from some address { u08 n; datasize--; i2cstart(); i2cwrite(SLA_R|((u08)((*address)>>15)&0x02)); //set read to the correct block for(n=0;n<datasize;n++) //the eeproms address pointer should have been setup already { destination[n]=i2cread(_AK_); (*address)++; //increment our pointer /*if(!(u16)(*address)) //we reached the end of the block { i2cstop(); set_address(address); }This isn't needed on the Atmel chips*/ } destination[datasize]=i2cread(_NAK_); //send NAK for the last byte recieved i2cstop(); (*address)++; } u32 findtop() //Find the address of record number where we enter painted eeprom { u32 top=12*((u32)1<<13); //half way through rounded down to 12 u08 n,endcond=TRUE; u16 place=1<<13; for(n=14;endcond;) //start by probing half way through - place is in records { set_address(&top); //the probe address if(n) n--; //need to decr here to get 1 byte resolution else endcond=FALSE; //terminate the loop after completion //need to decr here to get 1 byte resolution i2cstart(); //read the slave i2cwrite(SLA_R); if(i2cread(_NAK_)==MAGIC_NUMBER) //see if its painted place&=~(1<<n); //clear the nth bit in the place holder if(n) place|=(1<<(n-1)); //set the next bit i2cstop(); if(place>10922) place=10922; top = 12*( (u32)place ); //place is in units of 12 } set_address(&top); i2cstart(); i2cwrite(SLA_R); if(i2cread(_NAK_)!=MAGIC_NUMBER) //check the location to make sure its blank place++; top = 12*( (u32)place ); return top; } void painteeprom() //Paints every 12th location with the magic number { u08 magic=MAGIC_NUMBER; //magic is our painting value u32 n=0; for(;n<131072;n++/*n+=12*/) //this writes every (12th) byte { /* set_address(&n); i2cwrite(magic); //write the data if((u08)n>243) //our next n will be across a page boundary { i2cstop(); _delay_loop_2( (u16) ( (float)F_CPU*0.006/4.0 ) );//delay 6 ms for page write }*/ if(!((u08)n)) //this code is for writing every byte { i2cstop(); _delay_loop_2( (u16) ( (float)F_CPU*0.006/4.0 ) );//delay 6 ms for page write set_address(&n); } i2cwrite(magic); wdt_reset(); } i2cstop(); } #endif
#include <util/twi.h> //I2C registers #include <util/delay_basic.h> //wait delay loop for page write #include "avrlibtypes.h" #define SLA_W 0b10100000 //microchip 24LC515 #define SLA_R 0b10100001 #define SCL 100000 #define _AK_ (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWEA) //for setting up I2C read with AK and NAK from master #define _NAK_ (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN) #define MAGIC_NUMBER 255 //painting value void init_i2c(); void i2cstart(); void i2cstop(); void i2cwrite(u08 c); u08 i2cread(u08 AK); void set_address(u32* address); void write_data(u08 * c, u08 datasize, u32*address); void read_data(u08 * destination, u08 datasize, u32*address); u32 findtop(); void painteeprom();
code/i2c_eeprom.txt · Last modified: 2009/03/20 04:50 by laurenceb