Table of Contents
Input capture based version
This uses the input capture function on timer1 (atmega168). The ICNC1 bit in the TCCR1B register need to be set to enable oversampling to give more noise tolerance. A second function running approx every 20ms is needed to decrement counter by two and check if counter>=30. If this is the case there is a valid pwm stream and the diff variable can be used to set the pwm output.
void enable_ground_control(); //enables the input capture interrupt void disable_ground_control(); //disables input capture interrupt #define PULSE_MIN (s16)(0.001*(float)F_CPU/16.0) //pwm must be in the range 1 to 2 ms #define PULSE_MAX (s16)(0.002*(float)F_CPU/16.0) //due to the bit shift we divide by 16 #define GROUND_LED_ON PORTD|=(1<<3) #define GROUND_LED_OFF PORTD&=~(1<<3) #define GROUND_LED_SET PORTD&(1<<3) void run_ground_control();
Main code
#ifdef GROUND #include "main.h" extern volatile u08 counter; //globals extern volatile u16 diff; ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { static u16 start; if(TCCR1B&0x40) //start of a pulse { TCCR1B&=~0x40; //set to trigger on falling edge start=ICR1; //record start of the pulse } else { TCCR1B|=0x40; //set to trigger on rising edge if(!(counter&0x80)) //the lock bit isn't set, so we are free to run { diff=ICR1; //set the global volatile s16 diff if(start>diff) //our pwm pulse spans a timer overflow { diff+=TOP_COUNT; } diff-=start; if(diff>PULSE_MIN && diff<PULSE_MAX) //test against criterion { if((counter&(~0x80))<30) //30 consecutive pulses { counter+=3; //the 20ms timer1 overflow subtracts 2 from counter } } else { counter&=0x80; //set the last 7 bits to zero } } } } void run_ground_control() { if((~0x80&counter)>=28) { counter|=0x80; //lock the diff variable using the counter flag bit OCR1B=diff; counter&=~0x80; GROUND_LED_ON; } else { GROUND_LED_OFF; } if(counter&~0x80) //if the counter variable >0, decrement by 2 counter-=2; } void enable_ground_control() { TIMSK1|=(1<<ICIE1); counter=0; } void disable_ground_control() { TIMSK1&=~(1<<ICIE1); GROUND_LED_OFF; counter=0; diff=0; } #endif
Pin change based version
This AVR code constantly checks the PWM input for pulse lenght. If a stream of 10 pulses are detected that match the criterion, the input PWM is routed to the output. A single failing PWM pulse will cause control to revert back to internal guidance. Useful for UAVs, allowing control to be regained from the ground in the event of a faulty control algorthym.
#define pwm_record_factor ((float)F_CPU*0.0005/256.0) //500us #define lower_pwm_bound (u08)(pwm_record_factor*4.25) //valid pwm limits #define upper_pwm_bound (u08)(pwm_record_factor*1.75) #define GROUND #define check_input PORTC & 0x01 #define copy_pwm PORTB=(PORTB & ~0x03)|(PORTC & 0x03); //move PORTC 0,1 to PORTB 0,1 void enable_ground_control(); void disable_ground_control();
#include "main.h" #include "ground.h" volatile u08 pwm_counter=0x00; volatile u08 pwm_period=0x00; ISR(PCINT1_vect) { if(pwm_counter==0x0A) //a stream of valid pwm { cbi(TCCR1A,COM1A1); //turn off PWM output to servo copy_pwm; } static u08 pulse; if(check_input) //start of pulse { TCNT0=0x00; //reset timer at start of C.0 pulse pulse=TRUE; } else if(pulse) //end of C.0 pulse { pulse=FALSE; if(TCNT0>upper_pwm_bound && TCNT0<lower_pwm_bound) //valid pwm { if(pwm_counter<0x0A) { pwm_counter++; } else { pwm_period=TCNT0; //store the pwm period, the kalman filter will like it! } } else { sbi(TCCR1A,COM1A1); //reenable the PWM pwm_counter=0x00; } } } ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { sbi(TCCR1A,COM1A1); //reenable the PWM pwm_counter=0x00; //with valid pwm, there will be no overflows } void enable_ground_control() { sbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0); //Timer0 interrupts on sbi(PCICR, PCIE1); //Pin change interrupts on } void disable_ground_control() { cbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0); //Timer0 interrupts on cbi(PCICR, PCIE1); pwm_counter=0x00; //Pin change interrupts on }