====== Ultrahab ====== ==== Progress ==== 16 th july: ultrahab is complete, we are waiting for a NoTAM from the CAA {{projects:mihab:p7050017.jpg?700|}} {{projects:mihab:p7050018.jpg?700|}} 29th june : ultrahab is complete apart from UV filter and batteries {{projects:mihab:p6290012.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6290013.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6290015.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6290016.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6290014.jpg?600|}} 28th june : ultrahab is now nearing completion :-) {{projects:mihab:p6280012.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6280013.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6280014.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6280015.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6280016.jpg?600|}} ==== Overview ==== The current UK record is NOVA1 with 32Km, but it should be possible to get to 40km with rubber balloons, this is the aim of Ultrahab. To reach such a high altitude, larger balloons, a light payload (no phone, only radio), and low ascent rate is needed. This increases the risk of ending up in the sea, so multistaging (using 2 balloons at launch) is needed for a fast ascent through the troposphere. {{projects:ultahab_overview.png|}} {{projects:ultrahab_hook.png|}} ==== Construction ==== === Flight computer === {{projects:mihab:p3080019.jpg?600|}} === Code === [[projects:mihab:ultracode]] This is at the "alpha test" stage, it needs more extensive testing and more readable interface. === Cutdown === {{projects:mihab:p6300033.jpg?600|}} {{projects:mihab:p6240028.jpg?600|}}