===== Plan ===== A simple parafoil design with all control functions running on a single AVR microcontroller. This drives a servo, possibly a winch servo, to control a modified parafoil kite by draglines or C of G shift. A cheap parafoil off ebay will be used for development and possible launches from altitude. {{projects:pict9942.jpg?800|}} ===== Test Data ===== [[code:parafoil_tests| Test reports/data]] ===== Code ===== [[code:parafoil_main|Code can be found here]] [[code:parafoil_v2|Version 2 code for mini rogallo]] {{projects:tsip_version.zip|TSIP project zip file}} ===== Schematic ===== The second servo channel can be used when under RC control for an ESC. As there is just under 1KB of flash free, a bootloader, probably from [[http://www.societyofrobots.com/bootloader_50_robot.shtml|here]] could be used, although the GPS and radio are using the UART, so a jumper would be required. {{projects:parafoil_3.png?800|}} ===== Mini Rogallo test vehicle enclosure ===== This will be used for testing the concept before larger parafoils are flown. {{projects:imgp0191.jpg?800|}} {{projects:imgp0192.jpg?800|}} ===== Flight computer ==== {{projects:imgp0065.jpg?800|}} {{projects:imgp0066.jpg?800|}} The version 2 radio board will be used for 434MHz downlink {{projects:imgp0108.jpg?800|}} {{projects:imgp0103.jpg?800|}} {{projects:imgp0106.jpg?800|}}