// emulate.c - a version of navsoft incorporating code from James Coxon, Steve Randall and Ed Moore // removed high altitude slug routines, added Coords_to_bearing_and_distance, added gps emmulation //#define DEBUG //debug version #define CHECKSUM //Checks Checksum of NMEA //#define WINDOWS //Windows functions #include /* Standard input/output definitions */ #include /* Standard stuff like exit */ #include #include #include /* String function definitions */ #include /* File control definitions */ #include /* Error number definitions */ #include /* POSIX terminal control definitions */ #include /* UNIX standard function definitions */ typedef struct { float lat; float lon; } coordinate; typedef struct { float bearing; float distance; } vector; /* * Constants */ /* * Function-like macros */ #define DEG2KM(a) (a * (float)111.226306) // Degrees (of latitude) to Kilometers multiplier #define DEG2RAD(a) (a * (float)0.0174532925) // Degrees to Radian multiplier #define RAD2DEG(a) (a * (float)57.2957795) // Radian to Degrees multiplier int fdgps, fdservo; // global file descriptor of the gps and servo serial ports int servo_pos; char buf[256]; float VTGtrueTrack, VTGmagTrack, VTGgroundSpeedKn, VTGgroundSpeedKm; int GGAsats, GGAtime, GGAfix; float GGAlat, GGAlong, GGAaltM, GGAhori, GGAgeoid; static unsigned char servo_buf[10]; // holds the current RC servo data block - 8 channels + header and CRC float targetLat; float targetLon; //Set parameters float parachuteReleaseheight = 300.0; float balloonReleaseheight = 10000.0; FILE * logFile; // Log file pointer #define GPS_IN_FILE "gps2.log" //#define GPS_IN_FILE "nmeasim.txt" #define GPS_OUT_FILE "gps_out.log" #define LOG_FILE "outgps.log" #define GPS_PORT "/dev/ttyS2" // *************************************** Dummy Routines for MSC++ ******************************************** // Dummy version of usleep (no usleep in msc) #ifdef WINDOWS void usleep(int usecs) { return; } #endif // end of #ifdef WINDOWS // ************************************************************************************** // ******************************* Read from a GPS file ********************************* // This routine acts as if it is a serial port with a GPS attached // It opens a GPS log file and plays it out as if the GPS was sending data #ifdef DEBUG FILE *fp_gps = NULL; time_t epoch; long gga_count; void open_gps_serial_port(void) { fp_gps = fopen(GPS_IN_FILE,"r"); if (fp_gps == NULL) { printf("%s failed to open for read\n",GPS_IN_FILE); exit(1); // abnormal exit } epoch = time(NULL); // the startup time gga_count = 0l; } void close_gps_serial_port(void) { fclose(fp_gps); } void read_gps_serial_port(char *buf) { printf("Debug GPS reading\n"); time_t now; // the current time if (fgets(buf,255,fp_gps) == NULL) { printf("file read error\n"); exit(2); // abnormal exit } // new line read (and terminated) if (strncmp(buf,"$GPGGA,",7) == 0) { // a GPGGA message - should be one per second (for 1Hz GPS) gga_count++; // keep count of GGA messages do { now = time(NULL); } while ((now - epoch) < gga_count); // wait until elapsed time in seconds catches up with number of gga messages } } #endif // end of #ifdef DEBUG // ******************************************************************************************* // ******************************* UNIX Serial Port Funtions ********************************* // ******************************* GPS Serial Port functions ********************************* // ******************************* Read from a GPS unit ********************************* #ifndef DEBUG void open_gps_serial_port(void) { // Open port for both reading ands writing (writes will not block) fdgps = open(GPS_PORT, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (fdgps == -1) { printf("open_port: Unable to open %s - \n", GPS_PORT); exit(3); } else fcntl(fdgps, F_SETFL, 0); } void close_gps_serial_port(void) { close(fdgps); } // get a line of input from the GPS // void read_gps_serial_port(char *buf) { int res; // set to length of line read res = read(fdgps,buf,255); // try to read a line of input from the gps, buf[res] = 0; // termiante string, so we can printf etc. } #endif // end of #ifndef DEBUG // *************************** Servo serial Port functions ********************************** void open_servo_serial_port(const char* ttySx) { // Open port for both reading ands writing (writes will not block) fdservo = open(ttySx, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); printf("open_port: Have open %s - \n", ttySx); if (fdservo == -1) { printf("open_port: Unable to open %s - \n", ttySx); } else fcntl(fdservo, F_SETFL, 0); } void close_servo_serial_port(void) { close (fdservo); } //NEW void WriteServo(unsigned char uc) { // WriteUART2(uc); // writes to the USART serving the servo controller int n = write(fdservo, (void *)&uc, 1); // Write one raw byte to USART //printf("%d\n", n); // should be 1 } // ouput the servo data block to the servo controller void SendServo(void) { unsigned char Servo_CRC; int i; WriteServo(0x5A); // Write Header Servo_CRC = 0x5A; for(i = 0;i < sizeof(servo_buf); i++) { WriteServo(servo_buf[i]); Servo_CRC ^= servo_buf[i]; } WriteServo(Servo_CRC); // Write checksum } //#endif // end of #ifndef DEBUG // ****************************************************************************************** // ***************************** platform independant code ********************************** void ReleaseChute(void) { system("/root/scripts/Parachutecutdown"); } void ReleaseBalloon(void) { system("/root/scripts/Ballooncutdown"); } // ********************************* Logging functions ************************************** void open_log_file(char *filename) { logFile = fopen(filename, "a+"); } void write_log() { fprintf( logFile, "%d,%f,%f,%d,%d,%f,%f,%f\n", GGAtime, GGAlat, GGAlong, GGAfix, GGAsats, GGAhori, GGAaltM, GGAgeoid); } void close_log_file() { fclose(logFile); } // ********************************* GPS functions ************************************** // read and parse NMEA sentances from GPS // converts 2 ascii hex characters to a single unsigned character value int hexchar(unsigned char *phc, char *pch) { unsigned char hc; hc = 0; if ((*pch >= '0') && (*pch <= '9')) { hc += (*pch - '0'); } else { if ((*pch >= 'A') && (*pch <= 'F')) hc += (*pch - 'A' + 10); else return(0); // no characters processed } hc <<= 4; pch++; if ((*pch >= '0') && (*pch <= '9')) { hc += (*pch - '0'); } else { if ((*pch >= 'A') && (*pch <= 'F')) hc += (*pch - 'A' + 10); else return(1); // only 1 character processed } *phc = hc; // sucessful conversion return(2); // 2 characters processed } void read_and_parse_gps(void) { char *token, *str1, *pch; unsigned char csa, csb; printf("4)Read/Print GPS\n"); read_gps_serial_port(buf); // read a line of input pch = buf; if (*pch != '$') return; // ignore - does not start with $ #ifdef CHECKSUM pch++; csa = 0; while(*pch != '*') { // checksum calcualtion done ofver characters between '$' and '*' if (*pch == '\0') return; // terminator encountered before '*' csa ^= *pch; pch++; } pch++; // point at checksum charcaters (skip over '*') if (hexchar(&csb,pch) != 2) { printf("not 2 checksum digit\n"); return; // not 2 checksum digits } if (csa != csb) { printf("Checksum invalid\n"); return; // checksum invalid } #endif // end of #ifndef CHECKSUM if (strncmp(buf, "$GPVTG", 6) == 0) { // NMEA GPVTG sentance read from GPS (contains ground course and speed) printf("GPVTG found %s\n",buf); str1 = strdup(buf); // duplicate buffer so strtok can carve it up token = strtok(str1, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); VTGtrueTrack = (float)atof(token); token = strtok(NULL, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); VTGmagTrack = (float)atof(token); token = strtok(NULL, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); VTGgroundSpeedKn = (float)atof(token); token = strtok(NULL, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); VTGgroundSpeedKm = (float)atof(token); printf("%f,%f,%f,%f\n", VTGtrueTrack, VTGmagTrack, VTGgroundSpeedKn, VTGgroundSpeedKm); } else if (strncmp(buf, "$GPGGA", 6) ==0) { // NMEA GPGGA sentance read from GPS (contains position and height information) printf ("GPGGA found:%s\n",buf); /* Splits the GPGGA sequence into tokens and then converts them into respective ints or floats */ str1 = strdup(buf); // duplicate buffer so strtok can carve it up token = strtok(str1, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAtime = atoi(token); //printf("Time\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAlat = (float)atof(token); /* Convert into decimal */ GGAlat = GGAlat / (float)100.0; int deglat = (int)GGAlat; float minlat = GGAlat - (float)deglat; minlat = minlat / (float)0.6; GGAlat = (float)deglat + minlat; //printf("Lat\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAlong = (float)atof(token); /* Convert into decimal */ GGAlong = GGAlong / (float)100.0; int deglong = (int)GGAlong; float minlong = GGAlong - (float)deglong; minlong = minlong / (float)0.6; GGAlong = (float)deglong + minlong; //printf("Long\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAfix = atoi(token); //printf("Fix\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAsats = atoi(token); //printf("Sats\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAhori = (float)atof(token); //printf("Hori\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAaltM = (float)atof(token); //printf("Alt\n"); token = strtok(NULL, ","); GGAgeoid = (float)atof(token); //printf("Geo\n"); printf("Parsed\n"); printf("%d,lat:%f,long:%f,fix:%d,sats:%d,hori:%f,alt:%f,geo:%f\n", GGAtime, GGAlat, GGAlong, GGAfix, GGAsats, GGAhori, GGAaltM, GGAgeoid); } else { // neither a GPVTG or GPGGA sentance read printf("No Data\n"); } } // ********************************* Servo functions ************************************** // contsructs and ouputs the servo data block to the servo controller // creates header and CRC arround the data block to be sent to the servo controller // servo_pos is the current absolute servo position // change is the required difference from that value // SR: probably need to add limits on servo positions. void adjust_servo_position(int change) { int i, pos; unsigned char Servo_CRC; /* Take data from calculate_differences and adjust servo position accordingly */ pos = servo_pos + change; // range limit if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > 255) pos = 255; open_servo_serial_port("/dev/ttyS1"); printf("Serial port open\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(servo_buf); i++) { servo_buf[i] = pos; } SendServo(); close_servo_serial_port(); // force flush? servo_pos = pos; } void centre_servo(void) { servo_pos = 128; adjust_servo_position(0); // drives servo to mid point printf("3)Centering Servo\n"); } // ************************ Position and Direction Calculation functions ************************** // Distance and Bearings Calculations // // ************************************************************************************** vector Coords_to_bearing_and_distance(coordinate posn, coordinate dest) { float delta_lat, delta_lon; vector result; delta_lat = dest.lat - posn.lat; delta_lon = (dest.lon - posn.lon) * (float)cos(DEG2RAD((dest.lat + posn.lat)/2)); result.distance = DEG2KM((float)sqrt(((delta_lat) * (delta_lat)) + ((delta_lon) * (delta_lon)))); // pythagerious // calcualte compass bearing degrees clockwise from north (0 - 360) // atan2(y,x) produces the euclidean angle (+ve = counter-clockwise from x axis in radians) // atan2(d_lon,d_lat) produces the compass angle (+ve = clockwise from N /-ve counter-clockwise) result.bearing = RAD2DEG((float)atan2(delta_lon,delta_lat)); // atan2 argument inversion to get compass N based co-ordinates if (result.bearing < 0.0) result.bearing += 360; // convert to 0-360 return(result); } //****************************************************************************************** /* Compare required bearing to present ground track (heading) and calculate difference, also trigger alarms if getting near */ /* to the landing site and finally look at altitude and how much height we have left before landing */ /* Rough example - will update with edwardmoores' version */ void calculate_differences(float bearing, float groundTrack) { float bearingDifference; printf("Target Bearing = %f\n", bearing); printf("True Track = %f\n", groundTrack); // Calculate the difference between the baering to target and the current ground track bearingDifference = bearing - groundTrack; // since bearing and groundTrack can take any value from 0 - 360 then // bearingDifference can vary from +360 to -360 // values -360 to -180 mapped to 0 to +180 // values +360 to +180 mapped to 0 to -180 if (bearingDifference <= -180.0) bearingDifference += 360.0; if(bearingDifference >= 180.0) bearingDifference -= 360.0; // Bearing difference now adjusted to range -180 to +180 printf("Bearing Difference = %f\n", bearingDifference); if (bearingDifference < 0.0) { /*Turn Left*/ adjust_servo_position(-5); // nudge servo ccw } if (bearingDifference > 0.0) { /* Turn Right */ adjust_servo_position(5); // nudge servo cw } } float prevAlt = 0.0; int apogee = 0; void check_against_paramters(float altitude) { float altDifference; /* This compares data against various set paramaters eg. altitude and decides whether to cut down secondary parachute */ // Calulates if the payload is descending altDifference = altitude - prevAlt; prevAlt = altitude; if ( altDifference < 0) { apogee++; // counts number of descending samples } // Decide whether to release parachute. if (altitude < parachuteReleaseheight && apogee > 10) { ReleaseChute(); } // Decide whether to release balloon. if (altitude > balloonReleaseheight) { printf("Alt:%f\n", balloonReleaseheight); ReleaseBalloon(); } } // ********************************* The Main loop ************************************** // main expects two commend line parameters: Latitude and Longitude of the target loaction // the code echos the target loaction, opens the gps serial port and logging files and then // enters the main loop. The main loop then // reads the position and direction from the GPS - read_gps_serial_port() // calculates bearing and distance to the target loaction // adjusts the servo int main (int argc, char **argv) { vector target_vector; coordinate presentCoords; coordinate targetCoords; int line; line = 0; if (argc == 3) { targetLat = (float)atof(argv[1]); targetLon = (float)atof(argv[2]); } else { targetLat = (float)52.008565; // Kirton targetLon = (float)1.317307; printf("Debug mode\n"); } printf("HARVe Lifting Body Navigation Software\n"); printf("By James Coxon, Ed Moore and Steve Randall\n"); printf("Target Coords = %f, %f\n", targetLat, targetLon); open_gps_serial_port(); printf("1)GPS serial port open\n"); open_log_file(LOG_FILE); printf("2)Log file open\n"); centre_servo(); adjust_servo_position(-50); adjust_servo_position(50); centre_servo(); // Start Servo at midway position while (1) // Loop forever { read_and_parse_gps(); printf("Parsed line %d\n",line++); // Do we have a GPS lock? if (GGAfix == 1) { // Valid GPS fix presentCoords.lat = GGAlat; presentCoords.lon = GGAlong; targetCoords.lat = targetLat; targetCoords.lon = targetLon; target_vector = Coords_to_bearing_and_distance(presentCoords, targetCoords); check_against_paramters(GGAaltM); printf("Target bearing = %fdeg, distance %fKm\n",target_vector.bearing,target_vector.distance); calculate_differences(target_vector.bearing,VTGtrueTrack); // adjust_servo_position(); } else { // No GPS lock. centre_servo(); // Centre servo if GPS lock lost usleep(500); // SR: 500 micro seconds - too short?? } usleep(500); // SR: 2 lots of usleep(500) if no lock ?? write_log(); } close_log_file(); close_gps_serial_port(); return(0); // Normal termination }