====== Links ====== * Sat 10th March Meeting [[http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jac208/pegasus/logs/2007/mar/highaltitude.log.10Mar2007|Logs]] ===== Parawing ===== * Sat 10th March [[http://www.pegasushabproject.org.uk/parawing/sat10march/|Test Videos]] - homemade rogallo wing made out of bin liner, video 11 actually shows some sort of directional flight. * Test drop from balcony - [[http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6576176457419263303|On google video]], A semi rigid rogallo wing. * A [[ balsa framed parawing]], flies successfully * parafoil drop tests - sports hall [[http://randomsolutions.co.uk/video/1n2.avi|Drops 1 and 2]] - single line rigging [[http://randomsolutions.co.uk/video/3n4.avi|Drops 3 and 4]] - dual line + 2 breaklines ===== Parafoil ===== * [[http://www.eddiem.com/toys/rcplanes/myfoil/myfoil.html|The Black Rainbow]] - homemade powered powerfoil. Uses pretty standard parafoil kite, changes rigging method + uses a winch system rather than direct servo. Some videos showing that it does indeed work. * [[http://www.eddiem.com/toys/rcplanes/cyberchute/cyberchute.html|Cyberchute]] - info about commercial model powered parafoils. * [[http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/news/FactSheets/FS-038-DFRC.html|NASA X-38]] - Factsheet for a re-entry spacecraft that steers by a parafoil once below 24,000ft * Nasa X38: * [[http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/Movie/X-38/Medium/EM-0038-09.mpg|X-38]] - B52 drop test, parafoil deployment + steering + landing * [[http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/Movie/X-38/Medium/EM-0038-01.mpg|X-38]] - B52 drop test, parafoil deployed by large drogue. * Atair Onyx : * [[http://www.atairaerospace.com/press/onyx_video.html|Oynx Precision Drop System Video]] - Military/Commercial parafoil drop system - incredible - pretty much proves it can be done. * [[http://www.atairaerospace.com/onyx/operation.html|Oynx Operation Sequence]] * SPADES: * [[http://www.dutchspace.nl/uploadedFiles/Business_Fields/Defense/SPADES/SPADESonPACD2006.pdf|SPADES]] - Smart Parafoil Delivery System * [[http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~accorsi/chutes/chutes.html|Simulations of Parachute + Parafoil Dynamics]] - especially check out sliding reefers and parafoils. * [[http://www.colorado.edu/ASEN/SrProjects/Archive/2005-06/InterimReview/MARS_2006_IR_Pres.pdf|Parafoil Project]] - check out the experiances from slide 11 * [[http://cosmos.ssol.iastate.edu/RGS/|HABET Parafoil project]] - lots of theory * [[http://www.designworldonline.com/ArticleDetails.aspx?cid=192&id=951]] - info on the winches used. ===== Misc ===== * [[http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/slope_soaring_sim/|Slope Soaring Sim]] - Free flight sim for mac and windows, requires registration.