====== MiHAB 1 ====== Some of the best pictures: {{:projects:mihab:flight071.jpg?300}}{{:projects:mihab:flight100.jpg?300}}{{:projects:mihab:flight104.jpg?300}} You can find the rest over at [[http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~hmh33/flight_mihab/]] Here are a few construction photos, I'll try and add more info later {{:projects:mihab:p4290016.jpg?500}} {{:projects:mihab:p4290017.jpg?500}} {{:projects:mihab:p4290218.jpg?500}} And here are some launch & recovery pictures {{:projects:mihab:p7140040.jpg?600}} {{:projects:mihab:p7140048.jpg?600}} {{:projects:mihab:p7140149.jpg?600}} The microcontroller was programmed with Bascom-avr you can find it over at [[http://www.mcselec.com/]] atmel mega8 from [[http://www.active-robots.com/products/controllr/atmel-avr.shtml]] it's a bit pricy but they sell boards with ISP sockets and DIL headers which is very handy. Here is the source code if anyones interested {{:projects:mihab:intellballoon2.txt}}