====== Restrictions and Legality ======
**//WARNING - this information is not from a qualified lawyer. This is what we understand the restrictions are - please consult a suitably qualified person for more information//**
===== CAA/NOTAMS =====
In the UK permission to launch balloons needs to come from the CAA. On application and after review a permission will be sent to you and also a NOTAM will be issued. As the weather can be unpredictable it is possible to apply for a launch window instead of a single day.
More information can be found in the [[http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/765/pdfs/uksi_20160765_en.pdf|Air Navigation Order]].
The permit application process is now an on-line form: [[https://apply.caa.co.uk/CAAPortal/terms-and-conditions.htm?formCode=BAL|CAA Permit Request]]
To fill in the form you will need the latitude & longitude of the launch site, which you can get from [[http://maps.google.com/|Google Maps]]. For content queries contact [[mailto:AROps@caa.co.uk|AROps]].
Hopefully these should enable you to ascertain the best areas to consider launching from when you apply for a NOTAM
[[http://stratosvision.com/docs/UK-ATS-AIRSPACE.pdf|Surface to 19,500']]
[[http://stratosvision.com/docs/ATSAirspaceUpper.pdf|19,500' to 24,500']]
==== Pico Exemptions ====
* Part 2 Page 19
Exceptions from application of provisions of the Order for certain classes of aircraft
23.—(1) This article applies to—
(a) any small balloon;
(b) any kite weighing not more than 2kg;
(c) any small unmanned aircraft; and
(d) any parachute including a parascending parachute.
* Schedule 1 page 135
“Small balloon” means a balloon of not more than two metres in any linear dimension at any stage of its flight, including any basket or other equipment attached to the balloon;
===== Radio Restrictions =====
In the UK an Amateur Radio Licence cannot be used for downlink communications from a balloon. The particular licence section that excludes this is 9(3) which says: **"The Licensee shall not establish or use the Station in any aircrft or other airborne vehicle."**\ [[http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/spectrum/amateur-radio/guidance-for-licensees/samplelicence07.pdf|UK Ham Radio Licence]]
Some Low Power, Licence exempt modules may be used - but many (but not all) of the licence exempt frequency bands specifically exclude airborne operation see [[http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/spectrum/spectrum-policy-area/spectrum-management/research-guidelines-tech-info/interface-requirements/IR_2030-june2014.pdf|Ofcom Licence Exempt sheet]]
===== Other Countries =====
There are no special rules about hamradio used airbourne. In general danish law apply up to 30KM alt.