====== Code ====== Here is source code for various languages that you may find useful in developing high altitude things. ===== General ===== * [[code:Bash|Bash script to rotate and GZIP log files]] * [[code:Emulator|GPS emulator]] * [[code:octave_datalogger|octave datalogger code]] * [[code:kml_live_update|kml near realtime update]] * [[code:python_reedsolomon|Reed-Solomon encoder]] * [[code:dxlog|dxlog]] - logs truetty output directly to file (standard logging has a delay) * [[code:UK Polygon]] - for cutdowns * [[code:Geofence Descriptions]] - Geofences for Territorial Waters ===== C ===== * [[code:Navigation|Navigation]] * [[code:SSTV|SSTV]] * [[code:rprintf|Floating point print function]] * [[code:Sqrt density lookup table calculator (for fast drag coefficient calculations)]] ===== AVR ===== * [[code:i2c_ubx|I2C ublox 5 demonstration code using the UBX protocol]] * [[code:interrupt_driven_ubx|Interrupt driven UBX parser for AVR]] * [[code:interrupt_driven_tsip|Interrupt driven TSIP parser for AVR]] * [[code:interrupt_driven_nmea|Interrupt driven NMEA parser for AVR]] * [[code:Radio|AVR radio pulse shaper code]] * [[code:I2C EEPROM|I2C EEPROM]] * [[code:capdac|AD7746 Capacitive sensor interfacing demo code]] ===== UAV/Parafoil/Glider ===== * [[code:kalman_filter|Two state Kalman Filter for parafoils and Rogallos]] * [[code:optimised_kalman|Optimised two state heading filtering Kalman filter]] * [[code:parafoil_code_list|Guidance and navigation for parafoils and Rogallos]] * [[code:ground_control|PWM filtering and switching for UAV control]] * [[code:ground_data| Ground data display with php]] ===== IMU code ===== * [[code:4 state extended kalman filter in matlab| Extended Kalman filter (EKF) using quaternion as the state vector]] * [[code:7_state_ekf_with_bias|EKF with gyro bias tracking and quaternion]] * [[code: diydrones_algorithm_octave| Octave/Matlab implementation based on the diydrones.com algorithm]] * {{code:rpy90bothways.zip|ascii data from Sparkfun 6DOF IMU}} * {{general:autocal.zip|C code for automatic bias and gain claibration of an accelerometer or magnetometer from 6 attitudes}} * [[code:fit|Accel/Magno gain and bias calibration]]