===== HaTTY ===== ==== Overview ==== HaTTY is a reduced character set RTTY based protocol with forward error correction developed for use in HABing. Currently this is a theoretical idea. HaTTY uses 4 bits for common numerical data and extends to 8 bits for characters. Only the characters below are permitted and all letters are upper case only. 0000 (NUL) 0001 0 0010 1 0011 2 0100 3 0101 4 0110 5 0111 6 1000 7 1001 8 1010 9 1011 , 1100 . 1101 (CHARACTER SET1) 0000 (NUL) 0001 A 0010 B 0011 C 0100 D 0101 E 0110 F 0111 G 1000 H 1001 I 1010 J 1011 K 1100 L 1101 M 1110 N 1111 O 1110 (CHARACTER SET2) 0000 (NUL) 0001 P 0010 Q 0011 R 0100 S 0101 T 0110 U 0111 V 1000 W 1001 X 1010 Y 1011 Z 1100 SPACE 1101 ! 1110 " 1111 # 1111 (CHARACTER SET3) 0000 (NUL) 0001 $ 0010 % 0011 & 0100 ' 0101 ( 0110 ) 0111 * 1000 + 1001 - 1010 / 1011 : 1100 ; 1101 @ 1110 NEWLINE 1111 BELL