This uses the [[code:interrupt_driven_nmea|interrupt driven NMEA collection]] code, along with the [[code:kalman_filter|two state Kalman filter]]. The [[code:ground_control|ground control module]] can be added or removed as needed. Compiles to 14.7KB with ground control, so should run on an atmega168 clocked at around 16MHz or more with a 512 or 1024Byte bootloader. ===== Dependencies ===== {{code:dependencies.png?400|}} ===== TSIP version for lassen iq ===== [[code:parafoil_tsip|TSIP based version here]] (nmea version has been "mothballed") ===== Main.h ===== #include "global.h" #include "avrlibdefs.h" #include "avrlibtypes.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "kalman.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define minutes (float)1.0/600000.0 //gps macros #define baudrate (int)4800 #define delta_time (float)0.02 //20ms #define sqrt_delta_time (float)0.141 //kalman filter #define control_gain (float)90.0 #define damping_constant (float)0.2 #define top_count (u16)((float)F_CPU*delta_time/8.0) //timer1 pwm frequency #define pwm_count_time ((float)F_CPU*0.0005/8.0) //500us #define safe_time_start (u08)((u16)(5.0*pwm_count_time)>>8) //make sure we are after the pwm pulse #define safe_time_end (u08)((top_count-1000)>>8) //allow 800 clock cycles #define I_C 0.0001 //control loop #define P_C 0.02 #define D_C 0.04 #define integral_limit 0.2/I_C #define read_rate (u08)0b10010100 //gyro specific #define read_temp (u08)0b10011100 #define read_melexis (u08)0x80 #define mask_word (u16)0x07FF #define gyro_null 1009 #define altitudelimit 4000 //flight termination conditions #define timelimit 3600 #define targeteast 2.0 //target waypoint #define targetnorth 52.0 #define Rad2deg 180.0/PI //bloody obvious #define Deg2rad PI/180.0 #define battery_factor (float)8.0/1024 //for measuring battery voltage #define battery_chan 0x05 //ADC6 #define toggle_pin PIND=0x20 //led on port D.5 #define bauddiv (u16)( ((float)F_CPU/(baudrate*16UL)) -1 )//baud divider #define radio_cts bit_is_set(PIND,3) //hardware, however its wired up #define led_left PORTC = ((PORTC & ~0x18) | 0x08) #define led_right PORTC = ((PORTC & ~0x18) | 0x10) #define undead_man !(PIND&0x10) #define cutter_on PORTD|=(1<<7) //release mechanism (hot resistor off mosfet) #define cutter_off PORTD&=~(1<<7) #define gyro_off PORTB|=1<<2 //SS line #define gyro_on PORTB&=~(1<<2) #ifdef ADCSRA #ifndef ADCSR #define ADCSR ADCSRA #endif #endif #ifdef ADATE #define ADFR ADATE #endif typedef struct { float longitude; float latitude; float altitude; float speed; float heading; u08 packetflag; //packetflag lets us see when our packet has been updated u08 status; } gps_type; int put_char(char c, FILE * stream); //talk to the UART int get_char( FILE * stream); ===== Main.c ===== //UAV parafoil main code #include "main.h" #include "ground.h" //globals unsigned char EEMEM windeast[255]; unsigned char EEMEM windnorth[255]; unsigned char EEMEM flight_status; volatile kalman_state our_state; volatile kalman_model our_model; volatile u08 Kalman_flag; volatile float Heading; volatile float Target; volatile u08 Heading_flag; volatile u08 gyro_error=0x00; volatile gps_type Gps; //ground control globals #ifdef GROUND extern volatile u08 pwm_counter; extern volatile u08 pwm_period; #else #define pwm_counter (u08)0x00 #endif uint8_t mcusr_mirror __attribute__ ((section (".noinit"))); void get_mcusr(void) __attribute__((naked)) __attribute__((section(".init3"))); void get_mcusr(void) { mcusr_mirror = MCUSR; MCUSR = 0; wdt_disable(); } //avr-libc wdt code void setup() { outb(UCSR0B, BV(RXCIE0)|BV(RXEN0)|BV(TXEN0)); //mega xx8 registers - enable tx and rx, with interrupts on RX only outb(UBRR0L, bauddiv); outb(UBRR0H, bauddiv>>8); //end of UART setup //ADC setup sbi(ADCSR, ADEN); // enable ADC (turn on ADC power) cbi(ADCSR, ADFR); // default to single sample convert mode outb(ADCSR, ((inb(ADCSR) & ~0x07) | 0x06)); // set prescaler 64 outb(ADMUX, ((inb(ADMUX) & ~0xC0) | (0x03<<6))); // set reference 2.56V cbi(ADMUX, ADLAR); // set to right-adjusted result //sbi(ADCSR, ADIE); // enable ADC interrupts //Timer 1 setup TCCR1B = ((TCCR1B & ~0x07) | 0x02); //clock at F_CPU/8 TCNT1 = 0; //reset timer1 // set PWM mode with ICR top-count cbi(TCCR1A,WGM10); sbi(TCCR1A,WGM11); sbi(TCCR1B,WGM12); sbi(TCCR1B,WGM13); // set top count value to give correct period PWM ICR1 = top_count; // clear output compare value A OCR1A = 0; // clear output compare value B OCR1B = 0; // turn on channel A (OC1A) PWM output // set OC1A as non-inverted PWM for direct servo connection sbi(TCCR1A,COM1A1); cbi(TCCR1A,COM1A0); //Timer0 setup #ifdef GROUND TCCR0B = ((TCCR0B & ~0x07) | 0x04); //clock at F_CPU/256 TCNT0=0x00; #endif //External interrupts setup outb(PCMSK1,(1<>1)&mask_word; //all based on the rogallo code return (float)(125.0/1024.0)*(float)(a-gyro_null); //+-125 degree/sec gyro, 11 bit resolution } void set_servo(float setting) { OCR1A=(u16)(pwm_count_time*(3.0+setting)); //pwm = 1.5 +-0.5us } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) //fires at the end of the PWM pulse { sei(); //we need to be able to nest UART interrupts in here vector measurement_vector; static u08 timer; static vector control_vector; static kalman_state our_state_local; static float integral; static float target; float a; control_vector.t=0.0; //we control one servo, bottom if(!timer) { our_state_local=our_state; //sets up the correct local state } if(Heading_flag) {; measurement_vector.t=Heading; //from the main loop nav code target=Target; //copy over the global variable Heading_flag=FALSE; } else {; //setup the model to reflect the data measurement_vector.t=0.0; } measurement_vector.b=read_gyro(); if(gyro_error) {; measurement_vector.b=0.0; //faulty gyro, limp home mode } else {; } our_state_local=predict_and_update(&our_state_local,&our_model,&control_vector,&measurement_vector); if(our_state_local.state.t>180) //keeps us in the =-180 degree range { our_state_local.state.t-=360; } if(our_state_local.state.t<-180) { our_state_local.state.t+=360; } a=our_state_local.state.t-target; if(a>180) //heading offset { a-=360; } if(a<-180) { a+=360; } integral+=a; //integral term limits if(integral>integral_limit) { integral=integral_limit; } if(integral<-integral_limit) { integral=-integral_limit; } if(timer>4) { control_vector.b=P_C*a+I_C*integral+D_C*our_state_local.state.b; //PID control if(control_vector.b>1) //servo limits { control_vector.b=1.0; } if(control_vector.b<-1) { control_vector.b=-1.0; } set_servo(control_vector.b); } else { timer++; //we use timer to turn on control after a few seconds } #ifdef GROUND if(pwm_counter==0x0A) //if under ground control, use the recorded pwm as a control input { control_vector.b=((float)pwm_period*(1.0/pwm_record_factor)-3.0);//1500us->0,2000->+1,1000->-1 } #endif if(!Kalman_flag) //our global kalman state is unlocked { our_state=our_state_local; } } u08 cutdownrulecheck(int time, float * altitude) { if(*altitude>altitudelimit) { printf("CUTDOWN, Altitude limit\r\n"); return 1; } if(time>timelimit) { printf("CUTDOWN, Time limit\r\n"); return 2; } return 0; } u08 checksum(char *c_buf) { u08 sum=0; while(*c_buf) { sum += *c_buf++; } return sum; } void cutdown(char time) { cutter_on; for(;time;time--) { _delay_ms(1000); wdt_reset(); } cutter_off; } void wiggleservo() { set_servo(1); _delay_ms(150); set_servo(-1); _delay_ms(150); set_servo(0); } float getbatteryvoltage() { //a2dCompleteFlag = FALSE; // clear conversion complete flag outb(ADMUX, (inb(ADMUX) & ~0x1F) | (battery_chan & 0x1F)); // set channel sbi(ADCSR, ADIF); // clear hardware "conversion complete" flag sbi(ADCSR, ADSC); // start conversion //while(!a2dCompleteFlag); // wait until conversion complete //while( bit_is_clear(ADCSR, ADIF) ); // wait until conversion complete while( bit_is_set(ADCSR, ADSC) ); // wait until conversion complete // CAUTION: MUST READ ADCL BEFORE ADCH!!! return battery_factor*((float)(inb(ADCL) | (inb(ADCH)<<8))); // read ADC (full 10 bits); } void dataprint(gps_type * gps) { char outputbuffer[80]; char longitude; char latitude; if (gps->longitude>0) { longitude='E'; } else { longitude='W'; } if (gps->latitude>0) { latitude='N'; } else { latitude='S'; } Kalman_flag=TRUE; //lock the kalman data while((TCNT1>>8)>(safe_time_start) && (TCNT1>>8)<(safe_time_end)) //wait until we arent going to be interrupted sprintf(outputbuffer,"%.6f,%c,%.6f,%c,%.1f,M,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%X",(double)gps->latitude,latitude, (double)gps->longitude,longitude,(double)gps->altitude,(double)Heading,(double)Target,(double)our_state.state.t, (double)our_state.state.b,(double)getbatteryvoltage(),pwm_counter); //we generate a string-position and filter info Kalman_flag=FALSE; //unlock the data if(eeprom_read_byte(&flight_status)) //reuse the latitude variable { latitude='<'; //descending } else { latitude='>'; //ascending } printf("UKHAS%c,%s,%02X\r\n",latitude,outputbuffer,checksum(outputbuffer)); //with checksum and up/down info return ; } int put_char(char c, FILE * stream) { loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); //unbuffered tx comms UDR0 = c; return 0; } int get_char(FILE * stream) { return -1; } int main() { wdt_enable(WDTO_4S); //watchdog set to 4 seconds int time=0; int L; int Heightupto=0; float K; float Wind_x=0; float Wind_y=0; FILE mystdio = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(put_char, get_char, _FDEV_SETUP_RW); //so we can printf to the radio setup(); stdout = &mystdio; sei(); if(undead_man) //dead man switch to gnd D.4 { while(!Gps.status) //wait for a gps lock { printf("Waiting for GPS\r\n%.5f\r\n%.5f",(double)Gps.latitude,(double)Gps.longitude); wdt_reset(); Gps.packetflag=FALSE; while(!Gps.packetflag); //wait for some new gps } for (L=0;L<255;L++) { printf("Record number %d: East,%d",L,(int)eeprom_read_byte(&windeast[L])); printf(", West,%d\r\n",(int)eeprom_read_byte(&windnorth[L])); wdt_reset(); } if(eeprom_read_byte(&flight_status)) //set eeprom status to ascending { eeprom_write_byte(&flight_status,0x00); } printf("Test ground control function\r\n"); #ifdef GROUND enable_ground_control(); for(;L>250;L--) //5 second delay { _delay_ms(1000); //time to test ground control wdt_reset(); //reset watchdog } disable_ground_control(); #endif L=0; //need it =0 for next stage printf("Ok, ready for launch\r\n"); } if(!eeprom_read_byte(&flight_status)) //0x00=ascent { while(!cutdownrulecheck(time,&(Gps.altitude))) { time++; Wind_x += Gps.speed*sin(Deg2rad*Gps.heading); //add it to our total wind Wind_y += Gps.speed*cos(Deg2rad*Gps.heading); L++; //incrament the denominator for our averaging //find the altitude in 50m incraments if ((int)(Gps.altitude/50.0) > Heightupto) //do we now fall into another (higher) 50m incrament ? { Heightupto++; eeprom_write_byte(&windeast[Heightupto],(u08)(Wind_x/L + 127)); //we are storing as a signed byte eeprom_write_byte(&windnorth[Heightupto],(u08)(Wind_y/L + 127)); //we find the average and shove it in the eeprom L = 0; } wiggleservo(); if (radio_cts) //CTS from radio { dataprint(&Gps); } wdt_reset(); Gps.packetflag=FALSE; //"Unlock" global structure while(!Gps.packetflag); //wait for some new gps } cutdown(12); eeprom_write_byte(&flight_status,0x01); //we have cutdown=decent } sbi(TIMSK1, OCIE1A); //enable output compare interrupt - turns on guidance code for(;;) { L=(int)Gps.altitude/50.0; Wind_x=(float)(eeprom_read_byte(&windeast[L])-127); Wind_y=(float)(eeprom_read_byte(&windnorth[L])-127); //load valid wind data //direction to target (uses equatorial degree units) Target = Rad2deg*atan2((targeteast - Gps.longitude)*cos(Deg2rad*Gps.latitude),targetnorth - Gps.latitude); //wind compensation in ENU frame Heading =Rad2deg*atan2(Gps.speed*sin(Gps.heading)-Wind_x,Gps.speed*cos(Gps.heading)-Wind_y); Heading_flag=TRUE; K=Heading-Target; //k is now our heading offset (from now on is just for leds) if (K >180) { K -= 360; } //all to keep us in +-180 degree range if(K < -180) { K += 360; } if (K > 0) { led_left; //left/right indictor: bicolour LED between 3 and 4 } else { led_right; } if (radio_cts) //CTS from radio { dataprint(&Gps); } #ifdef GROUND if(Gps.altitude<200.0) //near the ground, ground control { enable_ground_control(); } #endif wdt_reset(); Gps.packetflag=FALSE; //"Unlock" the global variable, so GPS parsing ISR can update it while(!Gps.packetflag); //wait for some new gps } } /* char *datastring() //old code, might be useful { static char outputbuffer[80]; char longitude; char latitude; if (gps.longitude>0) { longitude='E'; } else { longitude='W'; } if (gps.latitude>0) { latitude='N'; } else { latitude='S'; } sprintf(outputbuffer,"%.6f,%c,%.6f,%c,%.1f,M,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%X",(double)gps.latitude,latitude, (double)gps.longitude,longitude,(double)gps.altitude,(double)Heading,(double)Target,(double)our_state.state.t, (double)our_state.state.b,(double)getbatteryvoltage(),pwm_counter); sprintf(outputbuffer,"%s%X",outputbuffer,checksum(outputbuffer)); //we generate a string return outputbuffer; //with checksum, containing position and filter info }*/