**This code hasn't been tested and is believe not to work** This is a rather unconvensional approach to a NMEA parser - completely based on an ISR to parse the incoming bytes. It uses 1.9KB of code space and 44 bytes of RAM. Should run in less than 10us at 18MHz. #include "main.h" //global(s) extern gps_type Gps; // Interrupt driven NMEA parser for Atmel AVR ISR(USART_RX_vect) //UART interrupt on mega xx8 series { static char buffer[6]; static u08 GGA; static u08 RMC; static u08 stage; static u08 commacount; static u08 bufferindex; static u08 pointcount; static gps_type gps; char c=UDR0; switch(c) { case '$': //start of a packet commacount=0; GGA=FALSE; RMC=FALSE; //we dont know what sort of packet it is yet case ',': //we dont break as the code is shared commacount++; //note this means packet header is 1 bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused pointcount=0; stage=FALSE; memset(buffer,' ',6); break; case '.': pointcount++; //we need to be able to detect number of points in the case of altitude break; default: //we have some of the CSV data if(bufferindex<6) //dont mess up ! Dont overflow { buffer[bufferindex]=c; //stick the character in our buffer } if(GGA) { switch(commacount) { case 3: //the latitude from the GGA if( (bufferindex<1 && !stage) || bufferindex<5) { bufferindex++; } else { if(!stage) { gps.latitude=(float)atoi(buffer); // degrees stage=TRUE; } else { gps.latitude+=minutes*(float)atoi(buffer); // minutes } } break; case 4: if(c=='S') { gps.latitude=-gps.latitude; } break; case 5: if( (bufferindex<1 && !stage) || bufferindex<5) { bufferindex++; } else { if(!stage) { gps.longitude=(float)atoi(buffer); // degrees stage=TRUE; } else { gps.longitude+=minutes*(float)atoi(buffer); // minutes } } break; case 6: if(c=='W') { gps.longitude=-gps.longitude; } break; case 7: gps.status=atoi(&c); break; case 10: if(!pointcount) //wait until we get to a decimal point { bufferindex++; } else { gps.altitude=(float)atoi(buffer)*0.1; //last char in buffer will be after dp } } } else if(RMC) { if(commacount==8) //speed in knots { if(!pointcount) { bufferindex++; } else { gps.speed=(float)atoi(buffer)*0.1; } } if(commacount==9) //the heading { if(!pointcount) { bufferindex++; } else { gps.heading=(float)atoi(buffer)*0.1; toggle_pin; //toggles pin D5 - flashing LED if(!Gps.packetflag) //main has unlocked the data { Gps.packetflag=TRUE; //this is usually the last interesting part of the fix info to come through Gps=gps; //copy into the global variable } } } } else if(!commacount) //the header { if(bufferindex<4) { bufferindex++; //increase the position in the buffer } else { if(buffer=="GPGGA ") //the last character will be a space { GGA=TRUE; } if(buffer=="GPRMC ") { RMC=TRUE; } } } } }