===== Input capture based version ===== This uses the input capture function on timer1 (atmega168). The ICNC1 bit in the TCCR1B register need to be set to enable oversampling to give more noise tolerance. A second function running approx every 20ms is needed to decrement counter by two and check if counter>=30. If this is the case there is a valid pwm stream and the diff variable can be used to set the pwm output. ==== Header ==== void enable_ground_control(); //enables the input capture interrupt void disable_ground_control(); //disables input capture interrupt #define PULSE_MIN (s16)(0.001*(float)F_CPU/16.0) //pwm must be in the range 1 to 2 ms #define PULSE_MAX (s16)(0.002*(float)F_CPU/16.0) //due to the bit shift we divide by 16 #define GROUND_LED_ON PORTD|=(1<<3) #define GROUND_LED_OFF PORTD&=~(1<<3) #define GROUND_LED_SET PORTD&(1<<3) void run_ground_control(); ====Main code=== #ifdef GROUND #include "main.h" extern volatile u08 counter; //globals extern volatile u16 diff; ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { static u16 start; if(TCCR1B&0x40) //start of a pulse { TCCR1B&=~0x40; //set to trigger on falling edge start=ICR1; //record start of the pulse } else { TCCR1B|=0x40; //set to trigger on rising edge if(!(counter&0x80)) //the lock bit isn't set, so we are free to run { diff=ICR1; //set the global volatile s16 diff if(start>diff) //our pwm pulse spans a timer overflow { diff+=TOP_COUNT; } diff-=start; if(diff>PULSE_MIN && diff=28) { counter|=0x80; //lock the diff variable using the counter flag bit OCR1B=diff; counter&=~0x80; GROUND_LED_ON; } else { GROUND_LED_OFF; } if(counter&~0x80) //if the counter variable >0, decrement by 2 counter-=2; } void enable_ground_control() { TIMSK1|=(1< ===== Pin change based version ===== This AVR code constantly checks the PWM input for pulse lenght. If a stream of 10 pulses are detected that match the criterion, the input PWM is routed to the output. A single failing PWM pulse will cause control to revert back to internal guidance. Useful for UAVs, allowing control to be regained from the ground in the event of a faulty control algorthym. ===== ground.h ===== #define pwm_record_factor ((float)F_CPU*0.0005/256.0) //500us #define lower_pwm_bound (u08)(pwm_record_factor*4.25) //valid pwm limits #define upper_pwm_bound (u08)(pwm_record_factor*1.75) #define GROUND #define check_input PORTC & 0x01 #define copy_pwm PORTB=(PORTB & ~0x03)|(PORTC & 0x03); //move PORTC 0,1 to PORTB 0,1 void enable_ground_control(); void disable_ground_control(); ===== ground.c ===== #include "main.h" #include "ground.h" volatile u08 pwm_counter=0x00; volatile u08 pwm_period=0x00; ISR(PCINT1_vect) { if(pwm_counter==0x0A) //a stream of valid pwm { cbi(TCCR1A,COM1A1); //turn off PWM output to servo copy_pwm; } static u08 pulse; if(check_input) //start of pulse { TCNT0=0x00; //reset timer at start of C.0 pulse pulse=TRUE; } else if(pulse) //end of C.0 pulse { pulse=FALSE; if(TCNT0>upper_pwm_bound && TCNT0