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guides:tracking_guide_aprs [2014/04/28 21:08] – created dl7adguides:tracking_guide_aprs [2014/12/11 18:29] (current) – moved to guides:aprs:tracking lz1dev
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-====== How to use MULTIPSK as an APRS IGATE ====== 
-This short description shows how to set up an APRS Internet Gateway using [[|MULTIPSK]]. MULTIPSK 
-is an audio decoding software, which is able to decode many different modes. We are gonna using it for APRS decoding just with a simple 
-FM receiver. 
-Unfortunately MULTIPSK is build for Windows only. If you're running Linux just try to use it with Wine. There are some notes about how to 
-use it with Wine in the [[|Readme]]. 
-First of all we need the current build of MULTIPSK. You can [[|download it here]]. 
-You will get a bunch of files in the folder you must extract. 
-The installation is done by the file **INSTAL.exe**. It will open the installation window. 
-Just hit the button with the green tick. Everything else is done automatically. 
-After the installation took place, the installation wizard closes itself and MULTIPSK will start automatically. 
-Don't care too much about all these options. We are not going to need them. Just press the **RX/TX screen** button and the actual program 
-will open. An unnecessary window will open with the title **"QRGs" is pushed, so frequencies for this mode are displayed:** Just close it. 
-We don't need that stuff. 
-Then change the mode to **PACKET+APRS**. As result, the buttons at the top will change to the specific APRS menu. Now do these steps: 
-  - Configure your callsign 
-  - Check **1200** baud is activated 
-  - Connect your radio and check if the sound level is at a suitable level 
-  - Open advanced APRS menu by clicking the button **APRS** 
-After doing Step 4, a new window will open. Just click the button **Internet** and another creepy window will open. 
-This is the final window, which will provide the transmission of the received packets to the internet. The size of the window is not pretty smart. 
-Just resize it, that every button fits in the window. Then do these steps: 
-  - Activate the button **Transfer the received frames to the server** 
-  - Press the button **Connection** to connect the software to an APRS-IS (APRS Internet Server) 
-After pressing the connection button, a bunch of data will appear in the log textarea. That's the sign for that everything is working correctly. 
-**IMPORTANT: Don't close any window! You will then disconnect your APRS-IS connection and won't relay any packets to the internet!** 
-If you have the ability to check your I-GATE yourself, just try to transmit an APRS packet. Your position should be shown in the 
-**Packet APRS frames decoding/coding** window 
-and of course on [[|]]. 
guides/tracking_guide_aprs.1398719284.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/28 21:08 by dl7ad

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