====== Overview ======
This project is intended to satisfy curiosity. If it becomes something else, then so be it.\\
The end-game is to put up an autonomous drone as high as possible and return it back by gliding / minimal propulsion.\\
Anyone who wants to join this project may contact Michael Pede (mpede.code.laureate@gmail.com)
This project will have three parts
* GPS guided Drone
* High altitude Balloon
* High altitude Drone release
There are a few reasons I want to have a payload that glides to a controlled area.
* Canada is big. It can easily drift to some unpopulated area the would require a multi-day hike to retrieve.
* The US of A is South. They may not take kindly to things referred to as "payloads" overhead.
* I have friends and family to the East. With their help, retrieval can be made easier. It would be cool to eventually drop things for my friend in Alberta to retrieve!
[[projects:canadawest:progress|Progress Blog]]
====== GPS guided Drone ======
The drone may be the easiest part.
I'm going to break it down into the following steps
- [[projects:canadawest:glider|Get a glider]]
- [[projects:canadawest:flying|Learn to fly]]
- [[projects:canadawest:dronehw|Get drone hardware]]
- [[projects:canadawest:droneflight|Fly the drone]]
- Use a Ground Control Station to remotely fly the drone.
====== High altitude Balloon ======
Although in Canada, I presume that there shouldn't be too many differences between building a launch system here as in the U.K.
I will also be trying to stand on the shoulders of the [[projects:halo|HALO project]].
- [[projects:canadawest:hab_payload|Build the payload]]
- [[projects:canadawest:hab_launch|Launch and record data]]
- Rinse and repeat
====== High altitude Drone release ======
I don't presume that it will be as simple as attaching the Drone to the Payload. That would be nice though.
- Launch Drone electronics
- Launch Drone in entirety
- Build a Drone/HAB combined payload
- Test Hybrid done as a standalone flier
- Launch Hybrid Drone
====== Complementary Projects ======
* [[projects:canadawest:gpstracker|Python-based GPS tracker]].
* [[projects:canadawest:radar|Radar]]