====== Radios ====== There are a number of radio modules in use with descriptions : ^ Module ^ Price ^ Temp Stability ^ Complexity ^ Size/mass^ Frequency ^ Modulation ^Further Information^ | Radiometrix NTX2 | Medium| Poor | Simple | Medium | 434.075 or 434.650 | FM (analogue) | [[guides:radio_modules:NTX2|Data]] \\ [[guides:linkingarduinotontx2|Linking an Arduino to a Radiometrix NTX2 Transmitter]] \\ End of life| | Radiometrix NTX2B | Medium| Excellent| Simple | Medium | 434.000 -> 434.750 | FM (analogue) | [[guides:radio_modules:NTX2|Data]] \\ [[guides:linkingarduinotontx2|Linking an Arduino to a Radiometrix NTX2 Transmitter]] \\ Breadboard friendly pitch| | Radiometrix MTX2 | Medium| Excellent| Moderate| Low | 434.000 -> 434.750 | FM (analogue) | [[guides:radio_modules:NTX2|Data]] \\ [[guides:linkingarduinotontx2|Linking an Arduino to a Radiometrix NTX2 Transmitter]] \\ Effectively identical to the NTX2B| | Radiometrix LMT2 | High | Excellent | Simple | High | 433.900 -> 434.650 | FM (analogue) | [[guides:radio_modules:LMT2|Data]] \\ Superseded by MTX2| | Radiometrix TX3H | ? | Poor | Simple | High | 869.50Mhz | FM (analogue) | [[guides:radio_modules:TX3H|Data]]| | Radiometrix HX1 | Medium | Good | Moderate | Medium | APRS 144.800/143.900/144.390 | FM (analogue) |[[guides:radio_modules:HX1|Data]]| | HopeRF RFM22B | Low | Poor | Moderate | Low | 413.000 -> 453.000 | FSK (PLL) + others |[[guides:rfm22b|RFM22B]] \\ Insulation is very important with this module, the crystal is only rated to -20'C. The module has exhibited instability and failure when exposed to low temperatures. It is recommended to reboot the module every 20 telemetry transmissions.| Not suitable for long duration flights without lots of insulation. |CC1101/CC430 (bare IC)|Low|Depends on crystal|Software:Moderate; Hardware:Moderate| Lowest |434 & 869 ISM|FSK (PLL) + others; FM (analogue) with external components|[[http://www.ti.com/product/cc1101|datasheet (cc1101)]], [[http://www.ti.com/product/cc430f5135|datasheet(cc430)]], [[http://uk.farnell.com/johanson-technology/0433bm15a0001e/balun-433mhz-impedance-matched/dp/2148531|single component match and filter]] CC430 comes with MSP430 processor for overall smallest area| Notes :\\ "Poor" stability means unless well insulated the frequency will drift noticeably. \\ "Simple" Complexity means suitable for beginners. \\ All modules support RTTY, analogue FM ones support APRS via external DAC